Tuesday 10 January 2023

Session 331 - Leech Life

Date: 22 August, 22 p.p.

Moon: Waxing Crescent
Zenith: Minerva


--- Leaving Mummy
- The party are in the bowels of Fortress-City Fate amid the clanking red-lit brass and hissing steam, being fed and watered by a huge metal mum. They are in the zone where the big fire robots live, beings who say their original role was to make sure the recycling of molten metal into new parts kept running. They would also be the ones to 
oversee the burning of the world if it was unfit for habitation by those who first sent Fate away from their doomed planet, but that's by the by.
- Now they're all about the dinner parties though, and looking after the giant robot babies they've made for whatever reason. They've been here a very very long time.
- Since the mother has a very troubling voice, they ask the robo-father questions instead. Questions about the remnants of Shub-Niggurath down on the lowest levels, about the dangerous repair droids that could fix the huge hole blown in Fate's innards, and whether turning Fate mainframe off and on again would do anything bad to the charming robo-family.
- The answer: off across the bridge over the molten river to the west, turning the repair drones on would probably mean them fixing everything back to factory settings which would be bad for the people who've started living in Fate in the mean time, and no idea what resetting the mainframe would do. Also did you know that there are some terraforming robot lizards to the south that haven't become self-aware like the robo-family?

--- Flaming Armoury
- The party likes the idea of terrifying fire lizards, so they follow the robo-dad south in case he needs to intercede with his more dangerous cousins. They go through a room with huge flaming weapons! Dorian and Swan grab "daggers" as big as greatswords, and Sydney takes a shortspear as long as a halberd. Neat!
- They peek through the door to the next area and see three huge mechanical fire dogs which immediately turn and charge! The robo-dad says they won't listen to reason because they have animal intelligence, and the party shut the door in a hurry. It seems the flame dogs burn the world and the lizards terraform it back to liveable conditions. In any case, it's all dangerous!
- With a general "fuck that for a game of soldiers" attitude the party about-face and decide to go towards the Unraveller temple that leads, with any luck, towards the fabled Shub-Wizardwrath.

--- The Quenched
- There is a waterfall pouring down the entrance into the next area, and the robo-dad tells the party that this was originally to make sure that he and the other world-burning robots can't escape. These days it protects his kids from the Unravelled or the Vampires that might otherwise invade his home.
- Beyond the waterfall are other robots called The Quenched, but if the party tells them that they're friends of the fire robots they'll probably grant passage.
- There is some shenanigans trying to get the fire weapons past the waterfall, but it works!
- The Quenched are tall thin robots with water wheels spinning in their chests. They're friendly enough when told that the party is friendly, and have a sort of monk-like demeanour as they sit under the waterfalls to recharge their water wheel batteries. There is a flooded corridor with swift-flowing water, and they say there is treasure down that way...

--- Treasure You Say?i
- Treasure! Why not! Considering the water is rapid and speeds towards the molten metal river beyond, more shenanigans are afoot! Dorian shlorps into the meta-meat necklace, storing himself within, and is tied to a rope and bucket so he can survey they depths from his tiny submersible and help with trawling.
- Down there no obvious treasure... but in the clear and swift-running water he spots an arm-length leech shlooping along the bottom! Water breathing here we come!
- He glorps out of the necklace, lets the water pull him towards the leech, bites down hard... and is horrifies when it unfolds into a grim parody of a man-shape, all writhing leech-limbs topped with sucking leech-mouths! He's bitten off more than he can chew!
- Swan, seeing the splashing water, loops his belt to the rope and dives in to help!
- Dorian wrist-spurs the leech, but is forced to grab for the rope so he doesn't get dragged further down the corridor pipe!
- The leech-being has multiple mouths and thus multiple slurping attacks!! Swan and Dorian are being drained by an increasingly fat leech-man!
- Sydney enlists the help of the Quenched, who all begin hauling on the rope to bring them onto the relative safety of the slick wet metal grating in the main room. Swan flails, detaching the mouths from himself and Dorian!
- Dorian whacks it with his morningstar and they both scramble onto dryish land...
- A beat.
- One of the sucking tendril-mouths bursts from the water and drags Dorian in again! Oh no!
- There is much splashing and flailing and even the Quenched have their mechanical hands to their mechanical mouths in mechanical horror.
- The water goes quiet.
- And surging from the depths, leech-mouths growing on his palms like the most horrible stigmata, Dorian emerges victorious! He belches and licks the last bits of slimy leech-meat from his fingers. Water-breathing here we come!

--- The Mummy Returns
- Victorious but in great pain, the party return to the robo-mummy to get their booboos kissed better.
- Swan reads his book on vampires while they're resting - apparently the local vampire around here is an ancient one named Mot who once commanded a Eurasian horde of vampires in some antediluvian age, and is more of your classic feral monster vampire compared to the comparatively refined ones up at Castle Death Frost.
- Sydney reads about demon masks and finds that you can combine them with certain reagents, which he finds very intriguing.

--- Back in the Pipe
- Restored by the maternal ministrations, it's time to try again on this whole treasure thing!
- Dorian attaches the metameat necklace to the rope, holds it in his teeth in case he needs to emergency swallow the thing, and goes for a swim. The others follow, and there are no leech-men this time thank goodness. Using various rails and handholds, they reach the end of their 50' rope, reattach it further down, and walk their way down the swift stream... a little bit like the way a leech walks now I think about it.
- There's a room up some stairs, so out of the water! Lovely. Swan and Sydney investigate, finding a room set with tea lights and with scratches on the floor near a wall like there's a secret door!
- They're so excited that they don't notice the pressure plate. The tea lights WHOOSH up with a great burst of flame, and Sydney is sent flying back into the rushing water!
- Luckily Dorian is there to catch him, so he doesn't die! Swan tanks the damage and, very singed, investigates the room itself. There's a very damp sofa and a coffee table, upon which is a metal-spined book! It's a pristine copy of POWERLAD: Enticed by the East!
- Dorian swims into a submerged chamber and finds a hell of a trove! Softly glowing axlotl-ish filter feeders sway in the current, an eight-eyed pointy-eared woman locked in legally distinct carbonite... and a big pile of gems!
- Dorian scrapes the gems into a bucket, ties the lady-statue to the rope, and they haul the lot out of there! Worthwhile excursion!

Total: 7000 exp

Enemies Overcome:
- A horrible leech-man (250 exp)
Total: 250 exp

Valuables Liberated:
- 2 furnace daggers (greatswords)
- 1 furnace spear (halberd)
- Metal book copy of #355 POWERLAD: Enticed by the East (100 exp)
- Big pile of mixed gems (33 000 exp)
- Carbonite-frozen lady
Total: 33100 exp

Exp Totals:
- George / Swan the Swift, Level 7 Barbarian: 94029 (Level up at 128000)
- Kitty / Dorian "Ditto" DeMone, Level 6 Inheritor: 70138 (Level up at 72000)
- Carter / Sydney, Level 4 Magic-User: 15451 (Level up at 18000)
Level Up! +1d4 HP! +1 Mana! +2 to Saves! +Free Spell! +Backstory!
Level Up! +1d4 HP! +1 Mana! +Free Spell! +Backstory!
Level Up! +1d4 HP! +1 Mana! +2 to Saves! +Free Spell! +Backstory!

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