Tuesday 5 March 2024

Session 367 - Treasure Haul ULTIMATE

Date: 27 February

Moon: Waning Gibbous
Zenith: Eris


--- Return to Battle
- We return in the midst of battle! Our heroes fight a purple-skinned and purple-wrapped Roman mummy and his zombie horde deep in the depths of Dwimmermount!
- Aximander cuts his elven flesh and bleeds, using his elven blood to blast fire at the mummified Velosianus!
- Ashen, he falls to his knees and pleads in Latin for his life. He waves the Roman zombies back into their chamber. Just let me live!
- The party give him a stay of execution and question him. He's guarding the treasure room nearby, which contains vast riches and also magic items. One is the Aeon Shield, a scutum which when broken transports you and your attacker to the past for a time. The other is the Last Chance Ring, which sends you and anybody dying nearby to an afterlife that may let you return.
- When asked by Hagen, he also says that the Old Miner is below Dwimmermount. It was sealed in a city deep below, inaccessible until the end times quaked the world. The Old Miner was copied to make Gods.
- Finally, he reveals that "Ave Theodosian" before entering a solarium will turn off the teleportation maze.
- They clear out the treasure room. The Aeon Shield has a sort of digital clock design, the Last Chance Ring has a sort of "Mewtwo face" whatever that means in the old tongue.
- Hagen leaves a silver piece and gives Velosianus his address, in case there's a functional mail system or something.
- They also take the ball of zombified Romans, just in case?

--- Moving Along
- Sydney tests "Ave Theodosian" on the teleportation maze and... it works!
- They settle down to eat some food, hurt quite badly by the fight. In the dark they see a corpse that looks just like Divinity! But at the touch of torchlight it collapses...
- They eat some more from Aximander's tupperware while Divinity remains on guard. But what's that? Two Divinities?! One guarding each side of the camp??

--- Doppelganger Chaos!
- Divinity casts Bless to prove that she's the real one.. and the other Divinity splits into three! They attack, two at Divinity and one at Hagen, shapeshifting into their target to make it hard to tell who's who!
- Aximander can use his magic-sense to tell the fakes apart, striking at a clone and marking it permanently with fire! Divinity follows up, splatting it to paste!
- Hagen is doing terribly against his copy, fumbling and faceplanting. Thankfully Aximander is there once more! He destroys the doppelganger with a mighty blow from his flame-beam sword!
- Sydney tries to help by casting Annihilate Superego at the remaining false Divinity... but hits the real one! Divinity's superego is annihilated, all bonds of humanity shattered and ego now fueled solely by the base desires of the id. This will continue for 70 minutes.
- Divinity destroys her remaining doppelganger, and turns, eyes glowing with white fire, to attack Sydney!
- The mighty blow knocks Sydney out instantly. who collapses to the ground, slumped and bloody.
- The others turn and persuade Divinity that going up to the pub will be a great idea! Id-led Divinity thinks this is a brilliant idea, and leads the way back to the lift while the others grab some loot before following with Sydney's unconscious body.
- Up top, Divinity goes straight to the bar to dissociate while the others take Sydney to the medic called Daniel Chirurgeon. He puts leeches all over Sydney's face. Fine. Everyone has a splendid sleep that night, even Sydney.

--- Concerning Jonathon Toast Developments
- In the morning they hear Jonathon Toast yelling, "They're here! These red bastards are here! Join me in fisticuffs!"
- The party sally forth, and see the huge meat-airship fighting off Red Elves in their bubble-crafts!
- Jonathon Toast is keeping them at bay easily. The concerning part is that he's clearly evolving. There's a clear sense that he's going to hold them off... but the more he fights, the stronger he gets.

--- Let's Make This Quick!
- The party speedrun through the level, katamari-ing the zombie ball before them, negating the teleportation maze as they go, until they reach the hangar doors at the end of the straight. They listen and hear fizzing... and terrified discussion of Jonathon Toast.
- Aximander casts Guiding Lights and asks them to find their way to "religious awe". Good one! They drift away from the hangar door and to a side exit. The party follows.
- Inside they find... a reading room! The lights continue to the next door, but the party stops to find some books. How did POWERLAD novels get down here?
- They continue, going through an empty room containing only clinking chains and a breeze, and follow the lights to another door. Whatever's behind it sounds like a modem.
- Inside are ratmen worshipping a big square box on a big square dais. The Guiding Lights wink out. It scratchily declares itself Alaunus Version Five but can't say much more. Divinity falls to her knees and prays.
- Via some cheeky Meta-Manipulation from Sydney, Divinity fixes the machine! It can now talk to them! They want to keep going though, so they leave it behind for now. As they leave, the God-bot gives them his blessing: +2 to melee attacks.

--- Mercurial Madness
- There are stairs down from this room, and at the bottom they find some ratmen! These are somewhat mutated, maybe even a little vampiric? In any case, friendly!
- They apparently love to drink the mercury pool nearby. Thing is, they can't leave or they die.
- The party try to sneak around the pool but - alas! - it comes alive! A tendril of ooze slaps into Aximander, creeping under his silver suit! With a metamanipulated wrestle, he throws it off!
- They plop the zombie ball onto the mercury monster and move on swiftly.

--- Treasure If You Fink Your Ard Enuff
- They come across writing on the floor and an arrow, pointing to a door. It says "treasure if you think you can take it".
- Aximander can take it! He busts in and sees an alarmingly large pile of treasure!
- The treasure spirals up and out into... A WORM! A big treasure worm! Its critical bite is warped by Sydney into a miss! Sydney, for their part, runs back to get the zombie ball.
- The others hold the line as more worm-heads emerge from the treasure pile. Aximander crits, throws a head back, while Hagan pins two to a wall.
- A worm-strike fractures Aximander's leg!
- He falls, Divinity heals him, and he casts a spell... alas it's a CHAOS BURST!
- A Realm Tear opens up... it's Zero G in here!
- Despite the setbacks, they slaughter the worms and loot their dripping corpse, coins and worm-blood splattering through the air with consistent momentum until they ping off walls.
- There is so much money in here. They were ard enuff after all!
- All Mana gone, the Elf-Soul Aximander is quiescent and Julian emerges once more. In a deep dungeon. Surrounded by treasure. Awful burning pain in his leg. Aximander did this on purpose.
- They field-dress the worm for food and leave Julian to drag himself and the money up to safety (since his player is going to be away for 8 weeks) before continuing on into the unknown...

Total: 8000 exp

Enemies Defeated:
- Roman Mummy Velosianus (750 exp)
- Some shapeshifters (300 exp)
- Mercury Ooze (250 exp)
- Treasure Worm (1000 exp)
Total: 2300 exp

Treasure Looted:
- 16000 silver Roman coins (16000 exp)
- 1300 gold Roman coins (65000 exp)
- Aeon Shield
- Last Chance Ring
- Vial of Acid
- Holy Symbol of Eris (100 exp)
- Vial of Spices (2 charges, +4 tasty)
- 30 worm rations (30 exp)
Total: 81130 exp

Exp Totals:
- Carter / Sydney, Level 7 Magic-User: 140174 (Level up at 144000)
- Kitty / Julian & Aximander, Level 7 Languid Wastrel: 79270 (Level up at 144000)
Level Up! +1d6 HP! +1 Mana!+Free Spell! +1 to Saves! +Backstory!
- George / Hagen the Heretic, Level 6 Dwarf: 35205 (Level up at 64000)
Level Up! +1d10 HP! +1 to Saves! +Lorebond! +Backstory!
Level Up! +1d10 HP! +1 to Saves! +Lorebond! +Backstory!
- Ollie / Divinity, Level 5 Battle-Cleric: 28018 (Level up at 36000)
Level Up! +1d6 HP! +1d6 Healing Pool! +1 Min Faith! +1 to Saves! +Backstory!
Level Up! +1d6 HP! +1d6 Healing Pool! +1 Min Faith! +1 to Saves! +Backstory!

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