Tuesday 2 July 2024

Session 377 - "But Before All That, We Need to Stop the Moon!"

Date: 25 June

Moon: Waning Gibbous
Zenith: The Scorned

New Backstory:
Rudolphus von Blitzenstrick broke it off with his first love. She was part of a cool group of friends but had to return to Denmark. +1 HD for the rest of the session when you break a lover's heart.


--- Rudolphus Gone
- In the dark depths of Dwimmermount, on a level defined by its circuit-board patterns and dim lighting, Sydney and Grog Greedy are gulping down snacks. Aximander is here too, cursing the moon. Finally Roland McDoland, the ill-fated wizard they picked up recently by telling him they'd guard him on their way to the Great Machine, is sort of just keeping out of the way.
- Hagan borrows the Mountaintop Gauntlet from Sydney and uses it to grab Rudolphus von Blitzenstrick, recently retainer-ised by the insistence of his absent player. Both are warped right to the peak of Dwimmermount!
- They blink against the sudden sunlight and see for miles! Wheat fields shine in the distance over the rotting meat of the Wheatlands. Jonathon Toast the flesh-blimp feasts upon apparently petrified foods - his central cephalopodic eye blissful. In the skies above a lumpen Red Moon flashes under the attack of some distant celestial object.
- Hagan lets go of Rudolphus and warps back down. To his surprise, Rudolphus doesn't come with him! Turns out the Mountaintop Gauntlet is a one-way trip!
- Hagan grimaces, says "welp that's interesting", and hands back the gauntlet. Sydney is aghast. By sheer accident, Rudolphus is now stuck on a mountain peak with no food, water, or equipment!

--- Battledworgs
- With the knowledge that they've been down here way too long and the very dungeon itself is warping to expel them, they hurry onwards.
- There is the sound of fighting! They approach, finding a scroll-filled library with few of those emaciated Termaxians fighting against Dwarf-borgs! It's the same Dworgs who chased after their "friend", actually the mind of a dragon patriarch switched into the Dworg body by Sydney, and it's all very confusing for all involved.
- The party charge in and aid the Termaxians while the dragon-brained dworg runs off. He doesn't yet know that Mind Switch is temporary!
- Aximander casts Magic Aura on his sword to give it more power, while Sydney GRABS a scroll off the stack and casts it without even reading it first. PHWOOM! A big cloud of darkness obscures a sword-wielding Termaxian and the Dworg he's fighting. Clanging and shouting comes from within the swirling shadow.
- During the combat the confusion mounts! The Termaxians insist that the Dworgs should be on their side, while the Dworgs themselves are just kind of erroring out!
- Meanwhile another Termaxian, this a woman in white Termaxian robes, casts spells from behind a turned-over table. She casts Shackle to the Earth on the Dworgs, magical chains wrap around their legs.
- Also meanwhile, Roland has finally buffed himself with a spell! He casts Deathless on himself to ensure that he cannot be killed! By the time he reaches combat, it's too late.
- One of the Dworgs is finally killed with a slice from Aximander's magicalised sword, and the other shrieks that "failure does not compute!" and detonates in an electical explosion!

--- Aftermath
- In the aftermath, the Termaxian warriors warily come back to guard their Wizard from the mysterious new gaggle of heroes who just helped them against the Dworgs.
- The wizard's name is Grizzibelle and she asks for introductions.
- Conversation ensues. Sydney leads, explaining that there are Red Elves invading who want to mine the Earth for its magic, which will eventually lead to no more magic for anyone!
- Aximander loots the room, grabbing some cool-looking scrolls from the library nooks.
- Grisibelle explains her position - the Termaxians up here are rebels who want to alter Terms Termax's plans. Terms wants to upload himself to the god-shell of Eris, shot down centuries prior. Unfortunately for the egotistical Terms Termax, Gods are aggregate minds made up of many individual minds. He wishes to be a God alone, which has thus far proved impossible.
- Grisibelle and her faction want to persuade him to upload with those who, like her, are loyal subjects who simply recognise the limitations of his plan. That's why they've taken over this level - it contains the Foundry that can create more god-shells (and other powerful objects) if they can only get their hands on Eris' shell.
- Asked if more god-shells can be created, she demurs. That requires Angel Metal, and they don't have any of that.
- Luckily, Sydney's spell shenanigans previously glitched out to create a whole roomful of Angel Metal! it can be done!

--- The Forge
- She guides the group to the Foundry, and oh crap on the way a massive smoke-breathing stone bull tramples towards the party! It is intercepted by a bunch of Dworgs, and the party dive through the door into the Foundry. Lucky!
- Inside, two more Termaxians are overseeing the Forge. It's a huge pillar, molten orange liquid running through it like veins. One Termaxian, at a control board, moves levers to cause huge moulds to self-form into a Dwarf-shape before their eyes. They fill with liquid, STAMP, and out comes a newly forged Dworg! The other Termaxian welcomes them to the world.
- Hagan asks for Sydney to make their slime familiar form a phone so he can ring God.
- There is a brief moment where the slime pretends to be the Old Miner and tells Hagan to kill Sydney... but then the real Old Miner comes over the phone.
- After some bargaining, the Old Miner agrees to go up to space (all he wants is to survive, he says, and Hagan persuades him by saying that he'll live forever up there). If they create a god-shell for him, he'll upload to it and enter the heavens.

--- Consequences of Previous Actions, Heretofore Unrecognised
- It's time to let the Dworgs into Sydney's house to help mine out the Angel Metal they need to create a new god-shell! Sydney does so, and to his surprise a man-shape formed entirely of black ooze tips his ooze-hat to him at the entrance. Seems that the Old Miner has given sentience to ooze-men?
- It's going to take nearly 3 weeks to print out the God-Shell components in the Foundry, so they decide to just spend that time researching spells and staying out of trouble.
- They also discover some other standard template constructs that the Foundry can print. There's the God-Shell aka Seraphim, the famous ISBM that was once used to blow a God out of the sky, some sort of interstellar Transport Vessel, a Type A Slaughtergrid Automaton, and of course a Fate-style Ark City.
- Sydney gets their essence Reknit a few times by Aximander until their intelligence is a bit better, and they learn them some spells while the others relax and watch Friends reruns. It seems the ooze man's body was the charcoalified corpse of Qing Po. Hmmm.
- At any rate, after some weeks Sydney will have researched Escape Rope and Aximander will have learned Shackle to the Earth and Deathless. Not a bad run!

Total: 6000 exp

- Access to the Foundry!
- Scroll #6304 - Deathless
- Scroll #6240 - Shackle to the Earth
- Scroll #6383 - Blinding Beams
- Scroll # 6265 - Ulrich's Forceful Sigil

- A couple of Dworgs (150 exp)
Total: 150 exp

Exp Totals:
- Carter / Sydney, Level 8 Magic-User: 198890 (Level up at 288000)
- Kitty / Julian & Aximander, Level 7 Languid Wastrel: 111466 (Level up at 144000)
- George / Hagen the Heretic, Level 7 Dwarf: 87138 (Level up at 128000)
- Charles / Grog Greedy, Level 6 Inheritor: 43008 (Level up at 72000)

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