Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Session 398 - Loot? Awww I Wanted Food!

Date: 18th February 1625

Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous
Moon Face: Dragon Face
Zenith Deity: The Allfather

New Characters:
- Korgar the Barbarian, a drug dealer who was selling wraps of Notcoke to the lizardified Goblins under Visco City.

Returning Characters:
Brie van der Hells. Necromancer. Brought Korgar into proceedings.
- Bulgur, Son of Borgar. Barbarian. Contemplating recklessness.
Manrat Snels. Ratman. Always has something to add to the cooking pot.
Nines. Inheritor. Obsessed with these mysterious square runes.
- Nostradama. Nonanist Cleric. Still yet to call forth a miracle.
- Zeppelino. Goblin. Genuine fear of getting steamed and eaten.

--- You Wake Up in a Dungeon (Benign Version)
- The party awaken after a nice nap amongst their new friends the Goblizards. They are, of course, part-goblin part-lizard people who proclaim that their lizardliness comes from the Lizard Wizard who lives in the mud hut further in.
- They are all, of course, in a dungeon. It's in and/or under Visco City, the deepest level of the ever-rising Goblin capital of Drudgespar. The black and purple-veined ooze-bricks are under great strain from the weight of the city above and wasteland gunk plops and bubbles in from the cracks. This place will inevitably collapse one day, but until then people still live down here.
- Nines, the party's resident monster-eating Inheritor, is obsessively trying out combination of runes. He's recently discovered that runes can be drawn four-sided for a weaker impact, a sort of proto-rune developed before the invention of circles. He finds a combination that creates illusory fire.

--- The Lizard Wizard
- Zeppelino, meanwhile, wants to meet this Lizard Wizard. He's a Goblin so maybe he can get lizardified!
- The wizard's mud hut is more of a steam room. Zeppelino feels his vegetable-flesh becoming nice and tender like a steamed broccoli stalk. It scares him. Why does everyone want to eat him?
- The Lizard Wizard is extremely nude, introduces himself as Gharial and says the steam tenderises goblin flesh and makes it easier for the snake DNA to transform them. Zeppelino sends a goblin minion, Espresso, to get lizardified. It does not go well.
- He also directs the party towards the half-dwarf half-dragon High Priest of the Neo-Ninhursag religion further in. To be fair I had forgotten about this guy, but he was apparently established last session!

--- Korgar Tests His Luck
- The others head for the dragon-dwarf High Priest while Korgar tries to surreptitiously rifle through the pockets of the Lizard Wizard which is hanging outside the steam room. It doesn't work. He has to buy off witnesses with some of his Notcoke. However, for his troubles, he does find a map of the local area.

--- The High Priest
- The rest have reached the High Priest and discover that it is indeed an elemental dragon! The core that sustains it, once a huge chunk of elemental crystal, has boiled away over the years to reveal the body of the Dwarf who once apotheosised. The Dwarf's arms and legs dangle limply from within the remaining core, yet when the dragon-priest speaks it is the Dwarf's mouth that moves.
- The beast priest gives a sermon on the power of Ninhursag, of the betrayal that slayed the great Apocalypse Dragon, of the way that the power of belief will allow it to be reborn. To the dismay of the resident Nonanists, not least Nostradama, both Nines and Brie van der Hells find themselves so moved by the sermon that they convert on the spot!
- The consequence of their faith? The ability to use the Earth rune at any time, at the cost of promising never to heal via unnatural means.
- Brie sees that there is a private mud-bath in the chamber beyond. She asks if she can use it, and after a bit of wrangling (largely by promising to bring the priest extra dragon core shards) she's allowed to use it. It's too hot, but Brie uses a Beam-Cold rune to cool it down enough to get in. Very nice!

--- Korgar Tests His Luck, Nearly Fatally
- Bulgur has wondered off to find something to kill. He comes across the public mud-bath, real onsen vibes. Some Goblin-Lizards are even soaking themselves as we speak!
- He tests the mud. Fine quality. Good for crops. Good for skin.
- Korgar grabs some mud and works it into balls. He doesn't have a weapon, so this is the best he's got.
- He then heads into the nearby sleeping chamber, hoping to nick stuff. There are several sleeping lizard-goblins in here. One of them has a very tempting silver necklace with a cool dragon head design...
- His hand reaches for the necklace and.. SNAP! The goblin jerks awake and savages Korgar's shoulder with its great tearing teeth! So much for stealth!
- Korgar tears his shoulder out from between the goblin's jaws and staggers away, bleeding, heading straight for the healing mud-bath, pursued by recently awakened and very angry goblizards!
- The blood loss is too much. The bleeding Barbarian staggers, falls, and slides to a stop right at the edge of the mud pool. Brie, surprised and delighted, takes the silver necklace as tribute. She slides back into the mud, relaxed.

--- Social Shenanigans
- It's a real chaotic scene! Brie is wearing that one guy's precious necklace. Korgar is bleeding to death on the floor, being healed by Nostradama while being stabbed at by angry goblin-lizards. Bulgur is emerging from the mud where, due to a backstory bonus, he has been hiding this whole time.
- Bulgur gets between Korgar and the goblins! With a mighty wrestle, he hefts one of the goblins into the mud!
- Somehow even more confusingly, Nostradama starts singing an ode.
- Everyone is so confused that they all stop and reconsider what's going on. Especially when the High Priest turns up and angrily demands an explanation!
- The conclusion eventually, is that there's clearly been a big misunderstanding. As a result the party can leave peacefully, but they are strongly encouraged never to return. Bulgur bullies the lizard-goblin into buying back his necklace at a discount. They decide to leave via a different route to the one they entered through.

--- Fresh Fresh Water
- It's back to dungeon delve mode for our heroes. Leaving the lizard-goblins behind, they traverse through corridors built through the crumbling and creaking undercity.
- Behind a door they find... a well! It's good clear water, albeit it has the soapy taste of a mild alkaline, and the buckets around here make it obvious that this is where the Goblizards go to refresh themselves.
- Nines decides to rune up and dive in. His combo rune of Make-Air with a side of Make-Light works perfectly. It's not accidentally Make-Magma, to the disappointment of some.
- The light is inside his mouth though, so he has to open his mouth to see. Those above, looking down into the bubbling water, see flashes of light, flashes of light, flashes, flashes, then... no flashes.
- Nines, down below, has been grabbed by something slimy and choking! It's crushing his arm, and his concentration on the air rune has been broken! Now it's got his leg! And his other arm!
- He escapes by using his Inheritor powers to take the form of a previously devoured being - a snake! Can't grab legs and arms when you don't have any!
- Snake!Nines blasts out of the well in a beautiful arc, to the shock of those above. He animorphs back into human form (with the snakeskin artfully becoming his snake-leather jacket) and warns the others to get back! There's a slimy kelp monster down there! But it's not a kelpie per se, because as far as he could tell it's not a horse.

--- Underwater Grenade
- There's a kelp monster down there. Nines wants to eat it. They concoct a plan.
- Brie conjures a Meat Slave out of a piece of greying meat she's been keeping in her pocket. It's going to be used as bait. It takes the bait!
- Everyone but Nines helps on the fishing rod, it's strong!
- Nines, meanwhile, shocks the surface of the water with a Beam-Lightning rune. The kelp creature releases the Meat Slave bait, but it's not going to kill it.
- Brie floats the idea of dropping a grenade down there because she heard about pressure waves in the bardic equivalent of a youtube video. Good thing they've got a clockwork bomb!
- It works! Albeit all the water in the well explodes out of it. Scraps of kelp at the bottom are enough for Nines to digest the creature's slimy wrestling ability, but the bulk of the monster is deeper in. The walls of the well are unstable, but Nines uses the ground-stabilising ability he ate from an Ennui Ent to keep it from collapsing as he gathers the kelp.
- Alas, there's not enough of it to make sushi. Nines has eaten it all.

--- Stupid Inedible Treasure
- We're coming up to the end of the session, and traditionally this is when people decide to cook a meal.
- Alas, there's not that much food in everyone's pockets. The next room is a pillared hall with the dessicated and potato-rotten corpses of a bunch of goblins, their dead flesh is like veggies left at the back of your crisping drawer. Not super appetising.
- Zeppelino decides to push his luck and see if he can find something to eat. Nines and Brie join him.
- The others check out a nearby room and discover an abandoned guardpost. Clearly the guards here are amongst the dead outside. There are some crossbows though! It's also very defensible and has murderholes that look out on the pillared chamber.
- They use dessicated goblin as firewood and put a pot on to boil while Zeppelino, Brie and Nines find a mysterious room with rattling chains running between holes in the ceiling and holes in the floor. Brie tries pulling the chains and... wow! A two-person dumbwaiter lift thing drops down in the next room!
- Nines and Zeppelino head up while Brie pulls the chains to raise them up. They emerge into a secret room! Four stone gargoyles on pedestals surround the lift, but behind them there are piles of silver, golden goblets, gems, and all sorts!
- Zeppelino looks it all over with dismay. He wanted something to eat!
- The suspiciously not-moving-at-all gargoyles spook the both of them, especially when one (in the flickering torchlight) seems to give a "don't try it" kind of head shake. They stamp on the lift until Brie lowers them back down.

--- A Meagre Feast
- With nothing to show for it but mere knowledge of a treasure hoard, they return to the rest of the party to find that cooking is well underway!
- It's Mushroom & Potato Soup w/ Croutons, crafted from a single large mushroom, stale bread croutons, a lump of butter, and fresh goblinflesh supplied by a sobbing Zeppelino. One of his minions mysteriously died after contact with Nines, nobody could have foreseen this.
- With all the various bonuses, it's delicious! Everyone slurps down the soup, unheeding of the potential consequences of eating Goblin flesh. On the plus side, everyone gets a boost to Sleight of Hand tomorrow!

Total: 11000 exp

Enemies Defeated:
- Several Lizard-Goblins (200 exp)
- A Kelp Monster (100 exp)
Total: 300 exp

- Carter the Chronicler and Cartographer (200 exp/level)
- Ollie the Expedition Leader (100 exp/level)
- Matthew the Paymaster (100 exp/level)
- Kitty the Vanguard (100 exp/level)
- Charles the Chef (100 exp/level)

Exp Totals:
- Carter / Nines, Level 6 Inheritor: 45549 (Level up at 72000)
- Kitty / Bulgur, Son of Borgar, Level 6 Barbarian: 39749 (Level up at 64000)
- Ollie / Brie van der Hells, Level 5 Necromancer: 28282 (Level up at 36000)
- Charles / Zeppelino, Level 5 Goblin: 23385 (Level up at 32000)
- Zoe / Nostradama, Level 4 Cleric of Nonanism: 11527 (Level up at 18000)
- Matthew / Korgar the Barbarian, Level 1 Barbarian: 1984 (Level up at 2000)

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Session 397 - I'm Stiiiill in a Dreeeam... Snake Eaaaterrrr

Date: 4th February 1625

Moon Phase: First Quarter
Moon Face: Clean Face
Zenith Deity: Alaunus

Returning Characters:
- Brie van der Hells. Necromancer. Riding on a zombie.
- Bulgur, Son of Borgar. Barbarian. Slayer of rat tails.
- Manrat Snels. Ratman. Can squeeze through tiny spaces.
- Nines. Inheritor. Experimentally focussed.

New Backstory:
- Bulgur, Son of Borgar is, and continues to be, a member of the landed gentry of the Wheatlands. Can find society contact in any city.
- Nines wasn't invited to a marvellous feast, but he turned up anyway disguised as a guest he'd devoured earlier. You can generally get yourself an invite to society events.
- Brie van der Hells was at a hot yoga class being run by Jojo Fullbeard and they ended up fighting!! +2 Strength


--- Next Time Baby
- Down in Visco City, the "real city" upon by the endlessly-ascending Goblin capital of Drudgespar, there is an ominous fizzing rumbling. The purple-veined black brick of the walls shivers with static.
- It sounds like some sort of exciting timeline event, so they anxiously ask around.
- Goblins tell them that every six months or so, the great blue Apocalypse Dragon approaches close enough for the winged goblins who ride him to attempt an attack on Drudgespar.
- Nines is super excited and fired up a Make-Light rune. It's super bright! Must be because the dragon is close! He starts considering creating some sort of magnetic slingshot that will propel the party up to the Skirts at the rim of Drudgespar.
- Alas for him, the others decide that it can wait. The mysterious clanging they heard deeper in the rat cave is more interesting.

--- Why Did It Have to be Snakes?
- They go back down into the sort of warehouse below the market where they recently fought sludgy rat monsters, and go towards the deep clanging. It's coming from beyond collapsed stone and brickwork... the gaps too small for a man to fit through.
- But Manrat is no mere man! He's a Manrat man! His body shimmies through holes as small as a human head, and he wriggles through.
- Beyond, brass snake heads on pillars. A big Newtons' Cradle type thing is clacking back and forth, hitting the brass and making the clanging sound! The floor is... snakes! Loads of snakes! And the walls, pigeonholes with snakes in them! Snakes!
- Manrat punches himself in the face to make his magic Coward's Shield teleport him back out of there!

--- Runes Glorious Runes
- They clear the blockage enough for everyone to get through and enter the snake chamber.
- Bulgur bravely strides forth and... the snakes are fine! Completely non-hostile.
- There are lots of Earth runes drawn about the place... and even... some in a diamond shape rather than a circle! How strange!
- Brie stops the balls from banging, and suddenly the snakes rear up! Oh no! She jumps up onto her zombie's back and commands it to use its brain-powered Fast Zombie mode and get them out of there!
- They exit, pursued by snakes.
- Nines is fascinated by the diamond runes and tries to use it. It doesn't work (dragon's dead innit) but there's a spark of something there. He restarts the newtons cradle too, pacifying the angry snakes.

--- Flies, you Fools
- In the next area, Brie breathes a sigh of relief as the snakes go back to being passive and start slithering back to the gong room.
- She surveys the room. There are piles of corpses in the corners and footprints like a lizard person or something. There are also huge big flies coming out of the the piles with big sharp mandibles!
- Brie and her zombie square up, but the flies only want live flesh! The zombie gets in the way, nobly getting monched to shreds by the huge pincers.
- Brie uses the distraction to cast Charnel Guise and appear as a skeleton. It totally works!
- Bulgur runs in and sees... oh no! Brie got skeletonised! In a mad rage Bulgur attacks the flies, followed by Manrat with his swarms (who fumbles, throws his sword, and hits another fly! Phew). Nines aims his rifle from behind.
- Nines shot goes off and BOOM! It's a massive gambit attack! He blasts two of the flies with one bullet, and then ONE MORE! Bulgur joins in and manages to golf-swing the shot into a third fly, which is nearly instakilled!
- Bulgur lands, turns on his heel, and cuts the last one in half!
- The last fly is brave. It is strong. It is being nibbled by a rat and bitten by a manrat and is finally killed by a skellington with a dagger. It is dead. The skellington turns back into Brie, to Bulgur's surprise and delight!

--- Histories and Mysteries
- They loot the room and peruse the murals on the walls as they do so. It's the history of Ninhursag (RIP) before the End War. The worship of the beautiful big green beast. Daubed over it is the more recent history, of Ninhursag's betrayal and death at the hands of the vicious POWERLAD and the depowering of the Earth Rune bound to the dragon. A sad story.
- The bodies in the piles are an integration of scaly lizardflesh and potatoey goblinflesh. Not a patchwork, more like they've grown together, goblins made lizardy. Amongst the dead they find a Clockwork Mine, a vial of Holy Water, a rationsworth of Mushrooms.
- Brie whips up some fresh Dead - a zombie and a skeleton, goblin-sized.

--- Training Area
- Listening and sniffing around, the party smell straw from one direction and voices from the others, so they go for the straw smell. It's a training area. Improvised weapons and straw dummies. All a bit worse for wear, but fine enough.
- Smacking a dummy makes a hidden torc tinkle to the ground! It's got Ninhursag heads on each end, and shivers with runic potential.

--- Lizard Wizard
- They head back and towards the deeper voices, coming to a barricade. Behind are lizard people with goblin voices! Seeing that the party are neither Dwarfs nor Goblins, they are willing to engage in polite banter. They've been defending this area since the death of Ninhursag, you see, when the earth rune's demise meant their enemies thought they would be weak.
- They also meet Gharial the Lizard Wizard! A strange guy who has been sucking the lizardness out of lizards and snakes and pushing it into the goblins. They hope that if they're lizardy enough, Ninhursag will return!
- They are offered a book about POWERLAD, who according to the book is both a wonderful guy and extremely horny at all times. They're interesting, and check it out.
- Nines and Brie consider converting to Ninhursagian (tbd), so in the meantime their new lizard-goblins allow them to stay and cook food as long as they're ok with sharing.
- It's a "Snamburger", a burger made with Lizard, Snake, Mushroom, Bread, Butter. Not that great, but will give a bonus to Fleeing rolls tomorrow. Could come in handy!

Total: 8000 exp

Treasures Taken:
- Clockwork Mine
- Vial of Holy Water
- Ration of Mushrooms (1 exp)
- Silver Torc allows earthbending (80sp)
Total: 81 exp

Foes Defeated:
- A load of snakes, technically (10 exp)
- Some giant carnivorous flies (200 exp)
Total: 210 exp

- Carter the Chronicler and Quartermaster (200 exp/level)
- George the Expedition Leader, Cartographer, and Chef (300 exp/level)
- Kitty the Vanguard (100 exp/level)

Exp Totals:
- Carter / Nines, Level 6 Inheritor: 42465 (Level up at 72000)
- Kitty / Bulgur, Son of Borgar, Level 6 Barbarian: 37265 (Level up at 64000)
- George / Manrat Snels, Level 6 Ratman: 30398 (Level up at 56000)
Level Up! +1d6 HP! +1 to Saves! Max Rats: 36! +Backstory!
- Ollie / Brie van der Hells, Level 5 Necromancer: 25898 (Level up at 36000)

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Session 396 - Rats in the Basement

 Date: 28th January 1625

Moon Phase: Waning Crescent
Moon Face: Clean Face
Zenith Deity: Alaunus

Returning Characters:
- Brie van der Hells. Necromancer. Surprised to find her party at an actual party.
- Bulgur, Son of Borgar. Barbarian. On a comedown.
- Manrat Snels. Ratman. Recently looted the chillout room.
- Nines. Inheritor. Quietly cloning the dead.


--- You Wake Up at a Rave
- It's the chillout room in the Visco City club, and our partied-out party are emerging from the post-party funk. Bulgur confessed that he wasn't a real king last night, but Manrat disagrees and swears fealty. It's very sweet!
- Manrat and Brie are once more emotionally entangled due to his insistence that he and Brie share a mother. Saves affect both. Bulgur and Nines, meanwhile, need some space. +1 to rolls when the other is far, but not out of sight.
- They leave the chillout room and pass through the 24 hour rave to the club entrance. They get stamps on their wrists, and their weapons back.

--- Shopping and Fortunes
- They leave into the torchlit light of debatable dawn - it's hard to tell underground.
- The shopping district is here, past the deep slime puddle that contains the goop goblin now dubbed Sloppy Giuseppe.
- The Goblin Market is a sort of popup market with a load of shops. Manrat and Brie see a soothsayer and stop in for fortunes - "A Stray Quail Will Bring Hungry Dogs" and "A Red Eye Will Go Blind" respectively. Hmmm.
- Brie finds a Jade Merchant and buys a comically oversized greatsword made of jade! It's fragile, but looks so cool that it adds to Reaction checks.
- Nines finds a snake merchant and buys a venomous snake that he intends to milk for his mushroom head. Indeed. Bulgur buys a fried boa constrictor as a snack. In it's belly... a quail!
- Manrat, who is at the rat-infested-basement weapons shop they heard of from a rumour, throws the quail down the stairs. Indeed, hungry dogs are attracted! The prophecy was true!

--- Gravity Rats
- They send the nasty fox in (previously gained from a pumpkin patch) and hear YOWLS AND GROWLS! Is the fox dead?!
- Manrat investigates to find a dark slimy room and the fox, who has multiple stab wounds! The door hangs off its hinges, and rats swarm on the ceiling. He sends a rat of his own up there, and about halfway up the gravity inverts and the rat treats the ceiling as the floor! How mysterious! The other rats run off.
- The room itself is one large shared warehouse for all the shops upstairs. Ladders (rope or metal) hang from beside trapdoors above.
- Brie strokes the fox one last time and snaps its neck, collecting the Last Breath. She also takes the tail and adds it to the hilt of her jade greatsword, so cool!
- Manrat crawls up the wall and discovers that he, too, sticks to the ceiling! He's rat enough to stick! He hears the rats whispering from their upside-down dens... an enemy is coming.

--- Rat Tails
- Bulgur enters and is attacked! It's some sort of huge worm holding a dagger! It stabs at him while something grabs his legs from the darkness.
- He breaks free and smashes the worm. It's actually a rat tail! Holding a dagger! The black slime rat-shape connected to the tail collapses, but the tail continues to writhe. 
- Brie sucks in a Last Breath and sends her skeleton and (fast) zombie to attack! They tear at it, then Nines leaps onto the table and kills it with a weapon polish based firebomb.
It becomes evident that the real creature is the tail, and the rat is merely some sort of slimy simulacrum of a rat!

--- More of Them are Coming
- There's more to this place. Visco City is itself built on the city that came before, building upwards to escape from the ooze. The collapsed streets form tangled networks of psuedo-tunnels, several of which lead away from this shored-up warehouse.
- Manrat, on the ceiling, picks a direction and crawls. In the wide-necked tunnel he spots more of the rat-tail-things. He shoots one, hitting the tail, which writhes in pain while the rat-shaped ooze body doesn't even react. They scurry into the warehouse to attack!
- Nines, near the soothsayer's section of the warehouse, finds a jar of prophecies and throws it, wracking the rats with futures!
- Brie forms a flesh minion from the much-abused corpse of the fox and sends it into battle too.
- Manrat throws his electro-bomb and Nines activates two of the prophecies - "Something Blue Will Harm You" and "Follow the Crow to Find the Way". The electricity is blue. The Crow is an oblique reference to the afterlife. The rat-tails swarm towards the electricity and ZAP! Almost all die!
- The last one flees, but with a single heft of his spear Bulgur nails it in the tail! It dies!

--- Ooze Test
- They check out this black ooze that's been coating the floor, from which the rat bodies of the tails was formed.
- It phases through living material, but clings to the inanimate. Very odd.
- Nines uses his ground-firming abilities to firm up the surface of the ooze, making it sticky but walkable. Live rats bubble up from beneath, now standing on this terra firma-ish surface.

--- Alas, Meat Minion
- Brie scouts ahead with the meat minion, and as with the fox before this doesn't go super well. They hear a meaty "oh no" and the shlorping sounds of rat-tails slithering.
- One of Manrat's rats, scouting separately, reports that the Meat Minion is under attack from dagger-wielding rat-tails who live up on a sort of shelf of collapsed undercity.
- Nines sneaks in and uses his massive mushroom head to spray poison into the room, then runs off. Behind, the rat-tails are terribly weakened.

--- Looter Shooter
- Manrat and Brie, meanwhile, have looted the warehouse. Manrat grabs a ball filled with iron filings that points north, Brie finds a rainbow bomb.
- They run back in to GLORIOUS BATTLE! The poison has weakened the rat-tails, making them (amongst other things) far more susceptible to Gambits!
- Carnage ensues. Bulgur charges up the incline, slicing back and forth with his spear. Brie does the same, but breaks her new jade greatsword (better for showing off than killing, alas).
- Nines hits a rat-tail with another, smashing them into each other.
- Brie kills the last one with a knife. The rat tail dies, and the slime-body tries to run away before collapsing into goo.
- Nines takes his sword and coats it in ferrofluid from a nearby stream of the stuff. It's really cool.

--- "What the Hell's Going On Down There?"
- Some Goblins ask this, poking their heads down through a trapdoor.
- Upon discovering that the "rats" have been killed, there is much rejoicing! The merchants can access their stuff again!
- Various things are gifted and traded, including a new jade greatsword for Brie (who had been taking the jadesmith to task for the poor quality). She also has her rainbow bomb identified - it reverses meatoid sexuality within 50'! Useful! (?)
- Further along the rat-tail den, Bulgur and Manrat are approaching the end. There's a boiling nest of rat-tails... next to a pile of shiny stuff! Hexagonal holes appear on the necks of the ooze rats.
- Manrat assumes they're adapting, like the Red Elves, and presents his Martian Bible.
- In voices copied from others, one of the rats speaks! It's willing to trade this treasure... for the sweet Red Cream.
- Done deal, Manrat trades it in, and the rat-tails scurry off through smaller holes and away.

--- Loot!
- The shiny treasure is, in fact, shiny treasure! silver coins, pouches of gems, all the rest!
- Everything is pocketed and shared.

--- Ominous
- They turn back and consider what to do next. Deeper in? Or leave this place?
- From deeper in, they hear an ominous clanking.
- Back towards the market, worried murmering and deep thumps from above...

Total: 12000 exp

Treasures Taken:
- Spherical Compass
- Gay Bomb
- 2 Crates full of Rare Spices (2500 exp)
- Barrel of Lubricating Oil
- Satchel of Unrefined Gold Ore (500 exp)
- 976 silver (976 exp)
- 4 pouches of saffron (3000 exp)
- 3 large Lapis Lazuli (900 exp)
- 5 glimmering Quartz (250 exp)
Total: 8126 exp

Enemies Trounced:
- A load of Rat-Tail ooze monsters (500 exp)
Total: 500 exp

- Kitty the Chronicler and Paymaster (200 exp/level)
- George the Expedition Leader (100 exp/level)
- Ollie the "Cartman" and "Rolly Guy" (200 exp/level)

- Carter / Nines, Level 6 Inheritor: 39192 (Level up at 72000)
Level Up! +1d6 HP! +1 to Saves! +1 Meat Point! +1 Mutation Limit! +Backstory!
- Kitty / Bulgur, Son of Borgar, Level 6 Barbarian: 34592 (Level up at 64000)
Level Up! +1d8 HP! +1 to Saves! +Barbarian Power! +1 Rage Attack! +Backstory!
- George / Manrat Snels, Level 5 Ratman: 26825 (Level up at 28000)
- Ollie / Brie van der Hells, Level 5 Necromancer: 23825 (Level up at 36000)
Level Up! +1d4 HP! +1 to Saves! +Free Spell! +1 Mana! +Backstory!