Tuesday 20 August 2024

Session 382 - Shackled to the Sea Floor

Date: 13 August

Moon: Waning Gibbous
Zenith: Minerva


--- Safeish Space
- It's been a nice relaxing evening in Sydney's Safe Space, the increasingly busy extradimensional apartment which seems to be increasingly out of Sydney's control.
- Hagen has been busy. Sydney's recent trip to the past has freaked out Hagen, because he's realised that the Old Miner is inaccessible without Sydney and/or Sydney's familiar. To this end he's been widening the corridors such that they might be able to get the Old Miner out of the place, but he's also been increasing the property value via engraved wainscotting.
- Sydney, for their part, is trying to hold court in the kitchen while black ooze dinosaurs and Friends-obsessed proto-Dwarfs bang around the place. Sydney wants to kill the giant Mushroom Demon that was previously unleashed by a magical mishap, lest it spread and grow to become yet another big bad.
- Aximander, for his part, is lamenting the moon. It's gibbous, so he's no longer at full Elf power. Nevertheless he's in for the mushroom murder plan.

--- Mushroom Murder Plan
- They roll out of the extradimensional flat and back into Dwimmermount! After Sydney cast Blight last session the terrariums have dried out dead plants in them, but Aximander notices that there are already shoots making their way out of the soil. Something has survived!
- The other thing that survived, of course, is the towering Mushroom Demon that lurks in the Teleport Maze, warping between the teleport points. Whenever it moves it leaves a man-sized mini-version of itself.
- They approach a mini-version. Beyond they can hear the sound of frogs in combat. Aximander attacks and... oh no! He fumbles! The mini-mushroom grows little arms and shatters Aximander's flame blade!
- Sydney whips out the gold spellbook he grabbed from the alternate Sydney and casts Scarf of Repair, summoning a magical scarf that starts putting Aximander's sword back together.
- The mushroom pulses... and the giant Mushroom Demon appears! It's much bigger, shrouded in darkness, and surrounded with glowing spores!
- This is the moment that Sydney was waiting for! They jump forward... and Mind Switch!!

--- Mushroom Mind
- Just according to keikaku, Sydney mind-swaps and simultaneously has Hagen slip the Cat Ring onto their finger! The Mushroom Demon's mind is in Sydney's body, which is now a cat, which is now stuffed into a sack. Sydney is now in the Mushroom Demon, feeling their strange gestalt consciousness through the mycelium.
- A voice from the sack says MEOW! YOU HAVE GRANTED ME FORM! MEOW!
- Unfortunately the Mushroom Demon saved against Chaos, so it only lasts for a round. In that time Sydney discovers what it's like to be a mushroom demon, mycellium pulsing. They can feel the mushroom abilities. And then... they snap back!
- Cat-Sydney is stunned, but the Mushroom Demon is back! Pustules pop and fling jagged shards while Aximander snaps out fireballs.
- Sydney recovers and casts Blight once more! The mind-control spores wink out, the mycelium dies back.
- Aximander charges in with his repaired blade, sinking the sword into fungal flesh, and Sydney rips out a Magic Missile straight into the mushroom's crystal core!
- The Mushroom Demon dies! For real this time! It slumps like a popped balloon, already rotting away.

--- Frog War
- It's time for a quick break, since Sydney has been bleeding themself dry with all this snap-casting.
- They head to the jailer's room. Hagen shares some of his Dwarven brew with the skeletal jailer. Aximander passes over the tupperware of leftovers to Sydney, who gratefully scarfs down some greying dinner from weeks ago.
- Relatively refreshed, they head back past the scene of the dead Mushroom Demon and towards where they heard frogs fighting something.
- It's a massacre! Dead and dying frog monsters amongst dead seahorse monsters, baby seahorses flopping out their last breaths in the salty blood.
- Sydney hangs back due to previously committed war crimes while the others approach. They see a Deep One frog monster mourning its dead brother. Beyond, the horrible Eleyn plorps out new frog monster babies, a frog mermaid looks after her wounded unicorn man devotee. An enormous squid holds open the portal at the back of the room, reaching in from the deep sea.
- They learn that the seahorses attacked out of nowhere, and so the frogs have barred the door. Eleyn notes that the frogs have a bunch of god parts, but she's willing to trade them for -

- Sydney busts in with a Cloudkill! The roiling cloud of chemical weapon roils through the room, wiping out the baby frog monsters and killing more of the survivors! Eleyn chokes from her many yonic mouths!
- The spell goes subtly wrong though... everyone in the room suddenly wants Sydney's spellbooks! They advance!
- Aximander casts Shackle to the Earth to prevent them from easily leaving the room, while Hagen sends a rune-beam of lightning towards the portal. He misses!
- The giant squid on the other side of the portal is Shackled also... but since it's in the deep sea it's being dragged down into the depths! The portal is yanked to the floor as the squid frantically tries to hold on!
- Eleyn crawls out of the cloud, spitting accusations, as Sydney casts Slippery Slope. All the enemies in the room slide away towards the portal, plopping through one by one and being dragged down to the sea floor!
- Eleyn is last to go, she smashes into the giant squid on her way out and knocks its grip. All of them plummet down into the deep sea Looney Tunes style! The portal closes up!

--- Treasure Time
- Aximander waits for the Cloudkill to dissipate and cautiously enters the room. There's a bunch of treasure in here, some diaries of the frog men, and of course a whole nine God Parts!
- There are also ominous frog idols in the alcoves at the corners of the room. Aximander defaces the pitted iron sea portal, then goes around smashing the idols. They would have been valuable but oh well.
- At least smashing an idol reveals a secret door! Within Aximander finds some tables with miniature terrain and some Gladius sets. Basically ancient Roman warhammer!
- Sydney, desperate and low on HP and mana as they are, decides to steal the room for their Safe Space. Alas, they fucked it. The room is not transferred, and stuff within is quintupled in size! Big Gladius sets and not-so-miniature terrain I guess.

--- A Reproducible Meal?i!
- It's time to relax in the Safe Space once more, so Sydney summons up their extradimensional flat once more.
- The door opens and a black slime man with a black slime velociraptor friend step out, letting the party into the place. Sydney wonders if this is fine.
- Hagen sees a Terran eating black ooze snacks in front of the endless Friends rerun and asks for one, despite being warned that it's not healthy for Dwarves. It burns his palm so he doesn't eat it, but he does find that he can contact the Old Miner through it. Interesting!
- Sydney decides that they want to cook something that they can actually cook again. Imagine! The result is Sydney's Homely Porridge, involving stale old beer, giant millet, and a dash of milk. It's actually pretty good!

Total: 8000 exp

Loot Lifted:
- 500gp of pitted gold coins. (25000 exp)
- 2000sp of sunken treasure. (2000 exp)
- Deep One diaries made of seaweed - count as 3 iterations of Book #171. (300 exp)
- Destroyed frog idols (800 exp)
- 9 God Parts (9000 exp)
- Roman Legion gladius set (2000 exp)
- Red Elves gladius set (2000 exp)
- Northern Horde gladius set (2000 exp)
- Dominator gladius set (2000 exp)
Total: 45100 exp

Denizens Defeated:
- Giant Mushroom Demon (1000 exp)
- Eleyn (500 exp)
- A wounded unicorn man (75 exp)
- A mermaid (100 exp)
- Several frog monsters (200 exp)
Total: 1875 exp

- Carter / Sydney, Level 8 Magic-User: 230340 (Level up at 288000)
- Kitty / Julian & Aximander, Level 8 Languid Wastrel: 144716 (Level up at 288000)
Level Up! +1d6 HP! +1 to Saves! +1 Mana! +free spell! +backstory!
- George / Hagen the Heretic, Level 7 Dwarf: 113732 (Level up at 128000)

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