Tuesday 23 October 2018

Retrospective 20 - The Rise of the New Messiahs

What a wild turnaround!

Heading to Dwimmermount was meant to accomplish a relatively simple plan.

  1. Find a source of Azoth.
  2. Take Azoth to the Slaughtergrid, a giant megazord golem.
  3. Power the Slaughtergrid.
  4. Save the world.
Instead we've ended up with an alliance with gods!

On the Goblin Messiah:

When I first started dropping the modron-esque Angels onto the planet, I'd intended for them to be a sort of inscrutable and mysterious quasi-mechanical group of robots that could not be bargained with and would shoot Chaotic creatures on sight.
A powerful enemy to be avoided and worried about, certainly not allies.

At the centre of all this is Styx, who was forced to give up his beloved Rune Magic in order to become a new Messiah for the Nine High Gods.
Fittingly, and unwittingly, he now has exactly 12 disciples - 6 goblin buddies and 6 NPC adventurers.

I never expected Goblin Jesus! Especially not a Goblin Jesus in an angel mech-suit!

On the ultimate power of POWERLAD:

On the other end, diametrically opposed yet also on the side of Law, is POWERLAD's recent direct line to Maximum Godhead Hyper-Jesus.
Between this, the electric powers he got from his father, and his high-ranking Dragon Bond, our boy POWERLAD is rapidly becoming the character with the highest potential of going nova and erupting as an almighty combination of Law, Chaos, and Dragon.
This is gonna be gooooood!

On the spider-weeb:

With all this going on, it's easy to forget just how ridiculous RJ is as a character, and how he was such an organic development in the campaign.
To sum up:
  • POWERLAD is impregnated with spider babies in exchange for resistance to poison.
  • The spider babies are adopted by Sir Robyn, who raises them as his own.
  • When they are big enough, the player of Sir Robyn decides to run a mob of Spider-Kids as an Extras class.
  • The Extras reach 0HP, only the leader RJ (Robyn, Jr) survives.
  • My campaign now has a giant spider Fighter who calls himself "Lonely Blade".
It all seemed so natural at the time. 
Just like how Guido went from being a talking skull to a huge skeleton warrior over the course of several months, this development was so gradual that it was truly earned!

On the corpse-eater:

Our next-to-newest player has truly put the Inheritor class through its paces, devouring any and all monsters she can get her hands on. It's a mess.
Currently she boasts, as Passive and Active abilities:
  • "Ladymones" - +1 Charisma mod with males; Turn a male into a slave. 
  • Centipede armour - +1 AC; +2 AC
  • Mirror-clone - Morph face or body to copy a person; Become a clone of a humanoid you're facing with all abilities.
  • Spore Drugs - Generate the Wave drug; create a Wave drug cloud
  • Witch Dancer - Notably fantastic dance skills; make a group of dancers cast spells at random.
Whether she can be stopped is an open question.

On the worst demon hunter:

Zena's journey has been wonderful. She was on a quest to kill six million demons, kinda fucked it up, then decided to be a dungeon chef.
It's only been used twice so far but the Cooking subsystem is so much fun. Zena has seized upon it with gusto, and is now stopping after any fight to grab bits of monster to eat later. It's so great.
Spoiler warning: Ironically she's now a smoke monster woman with no stomach so we'll see how that works out for her. A chef who never eats, perhaps?


What can I say that I haven't been said before?
If you click on Dwimmermount in that tag cloud on the right you'll see that there's heeaaps of sessions in this big beautiful mountain.
It's good, it's got some zany science-fantasy stuff in it which is way cool but takes way too long to reveal itself. It's become central in my campaign.
It's cool.
Ever-present reminder that Macris isn't.

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