Good work everyone! You're cop killers now. It's always been a bit moral-grey-area in this game but I think you've finally tipped over into being the monsters in other people's stories. This hasn't happened before so I'm interested to see where you take it!
On numbers, even the overflow game needs an overflow game at this point, so if you're thinking of inviting friends maybe hold off for a few weeks!
Alternatively if somebody wants to try running a game, your time is now!
I've been out all night eating too much food so I'm too full for email-based witty banter right now. See you next time!
On numbers, even the overflow game needs an overflow game at this point, so if you're thinking of inviting friends maybe hold off for a few weeks!
Alternatively if somebody wants to try running a game, your time is now!
I've been out all night eating too much food so I'm too full for email-based witty banter right now. See you next time!
Session 64 - Horsing Around / Redonkadonkey / And we said Neigh, we are but Men
Campaign Date:
Monday, 16 October, 1549
Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent
Zodiac: Virgo
Patron God: Oberon
Monday, 16 October, 1549
Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent
Zodiac: Virgo
Patron God: Oberon
New Characters:
- Mana, a Specialist mysteriously similar to the recently deceased Alice. Former pawnbroker, decked out in the fanciest clothes.
- Jumarak, a Muscle Wizard mysteriously similar to the recently deceased Jumarak. Former Shingler, armed with roof tiles.
Enemies Defeated:- 12 guards and their guard captain, slain or forced to flee (350 exp)
Total: 350 exp
- Mana, a Specialist mysteriously similar to the recently deceased Alice. Former pawnbroker, decked out in the fanciest clothes.
- Jumarak, a Muscle Wizard mysteriously similar to the recently deceased Jumarak. Former Shingler, armed with roof tiles.
Enemies Defeated:- 12 guards and their guard captain, slain or forced to flee (350 exp)
Total: 350 exp
Treasure and Equipment:
- Some dude's head, removed from where it was sewn onto a horse's neck
- 2463sp from foot lockers in bedroom and looted from guard (2463 exp)
- Emblem of a mercenary company from the continent
- Suit of pikeman's armour (as chain)
- A matchlock arquebus with supply of powder and shot
- A matchlock arquebus with supply of powder and shot
- A sword
- 2 daggers
- Several wheellock arquebuses
- Key #65
Total: 2463 exp
Total: 2463 exp
- Explored the coach house's 6 rooms (120 exp)
Total: 120 exp
- Explored the coach house's 6 rooms (120 exp)
Total: 120 exp
- Party considers options as dawn breaks across a rainy morning, decide to explore rest of manor after resting. Sleeping in the manor ill-advised, coach house presents safer option. (50 exp)
- Inside coach house - coach, stable stalls, dead man crushed by dead horse, standing horse with man's head. Mana loots head. (50 exp)
- Party considers options as dawn breaks across a rainy morning, decide to explore rest of manor after resting. Sleeping in the manor ill-advised, coach house presents safer option. (50 exp)
- Inside coach house - coach, stable stalls, dead man crushed by dead horse, standing horse with man's head. Mana loots head. (50 exp)
- Party drag corpses outside, chop off heads and legs just in case. (50 exp)
- Coach house explored, coach driver's belongings found and stuffed into pockets, party get some rest. (50 exp)
- Party awoken at noon by horrified shouts, clomping boots. Outside, armoured guards with guns have found dismembered corpses, wagon full of loot still tethered to donkey. (50 exp)
- Zea exits coach house by front doors to explain, guard yells at him to get on the ground and tells a runner to run for help. Stabbington exits side door to and is also held at gunpoint and disarmed. (50 exp)
- Tension snaps when John Doe drops handful of coins from ceiling, gun goes off in guard's hands and drops Zea. Aurora opens fire from upper floor and nails a guard, sending his gun flying. Stabbington snaps guard in face and steals his gun, Muscle Wizard nails knocks a guard into the loot cart with a flung roof tile (50 exp)
- All the gunfire startles the loot-donkey who starts galloping away past the coach house with guard in cart, rest of party begins firing on guards from upper floors. Aurora's bow basically explodes into splinters, hurting her and Mana. Stabbington shoots guard, goes for weapons on floor while guard flees inside manor. (50 exp)
- Zea heals himself, he and Jumarak jump onto the back of the loot cart as it rushes past. John Doe grapple-hooks on too and begins reeling himself in, Aurora owl-hoots her donkey over and Mogwi jumps on its back and rides after cart. (50 exp)
- Jumarak keeps guard in cart occupied while Zea leaps flashily onto loot-donkey's back and slows it down, begins taking it back to coach house. John Doe skids around on back limbs. Mogwi canters back too. Crowd of onlookers and guards spotted at end of long driveway. (50 exp)
- Most of party begin debating how to get out of estate, Zea grabs fallen gun and goes to finish off guy who ran inside, sees more guards than expected talking to chandelier girl and backs out (50 exp)
- Party continues debating, fire in upper window is noticed by Quarion's acute elf senses. Small contingent of Zea, Mogwi and Quarion investigate. (50 exp)
- Main party reach decision, treasure and most of party will be loaded into back of fancy carriage, others will dress in guard armour and try to get through blockade, Aurora will Command their captain to let carriage through. (50 exp)
- Contingent gets upstairs, finds open doors, man in room filled with burning stuff waving out window. Quarion casts Faerie Fire to reveal the silhouette of a guard. The guard attacks, badly, and the contingent backs out. (50 exp)
- Main group reach gates with carriage and donkeys. Party challenged by guard captain, answer to wrong name and generally bungle things. Aurora commands guard captain to "GO!" and he sets off at a run towards the manor, his troops suspect witchcraft and open fire on carriage. (50 exp)
- Battle is joined, crowd begins to scatter. Guards' worst fears confirmed when the monstrous John Doe swings in with a sword that burns with demonic flame. (50 exp)
- Contingent arrives to join attack, Jumarak punches a hole in reality and Summons a mushroom demon that leaps upon him. He breathes in the weird spores emanating from it. The guardsmen's morale, and possibly minds, break at the sight of so much horrible unexplainable shit and flee screaming. (50 exp)
Total: 850 exp
Total: 850 exp
- Best of Intentions bonus (50 exp)
- Best of Intentions bonus (50 exp)
- Brutal Kill bonus (50 exp)
- Dramatic Battle bonus (50 exp)
- Infamy bonus (50 exp)
- Headtaker bonus (50 exp)
- Long Deliberation bonus (50 exp)
- Split the Party bonus (50 exp)
- What Could Possibly Go Wrong bonus (50 exp)
- Near Death Experience bonus (Zea, Jumarak2 - 100 exp ea.)
- Failed Saving Throw bonus (Jumarak2 - 100 exp)
Total: 400 exp + bonuses
Total: 400 exp + bonuses
Active Businesses:
- Peggy Pigrider - Pie Mama's. Safe. Value: 1213sp
- John Doe the Unlucky - Anvil, Mining and Craft Company. Risky. Value: 1579sp
- Lulu Spiderbite - Clunge Honey. Safe. Value: 1190sp
- Joe Joe - Josephine's Petting Zoo. Risky. Value: 1500sp
- Stabbington Shanks - Tomb Busters. Risky. Value: 600sp
- Peggy Pigrider - Pie Mama's. Safe. Value: 1213sp
- John Doe the Unlucky - Anvil, Mining and Craft Company. Risky. Value: 1579sp
- Lulu Spiderbite - Clunge Honey. Safe. Value: 1190sp
- Joe Joe - Josephine's Petting Zoo. Risky. Value: 1500sp
- Stabbington Shanks - Tomb Busters. Risky. Value: 600sp
Quests and Rumours:
- None today!
- None today!
Death Toll and Injuries:
- Also none, despite the variety of guns on display.
- Also none, despite the variety of guns on display.
Exp Totals:
Kyle / John Doe the Unlucky, Level 5 Dwarf: 26865 (Level up at 35200)
Dominic / Sir Stabbington Shanks, Level 5 Fighter: 21834 (Level up at 32000)
Charles / Zea, Level 3 Cleric: 5515 (Level up at 7000)
Kyle / John Doe the Unlucky, Level 5 Dwarf: 26865 (Level up at 35200)
Dominic / Sir Stabbington Shanks, Level 5 Fighter: 21834 (Level up at 32000)
Charles / Zea, Level 3 Cleric: 5515 (Level up at 7000)
Mariana / Aurora, Level 3 Cleric: 4018 (Level up at 7000)
James / Quarion, Level 2 Elf (Gremling): 4965 (Level up at 6000)
James / Quarion, Level 2 Elf (Gremling): 4965 (Level up at 6000)
Wai / Mogwi Stitch-Up, Level 2 Specialist: 2715 (Level up at 3000)
Dana / Bingo Augustus, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 1926 (Level up at 2250)
Fraser / Jumarak2, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 665 (Level up at 2250)
Fraser / Jumarak2, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 665 (Level up at 2250)
Sarah / Mana, Level 1 Specialist (Thief): 465 (Level up at 1500)
David / Theras, Level 3 Specialist (Assassin): 4965 (Level up at 6000)
Absent or Retired:
Sam / Lucados Orbrus, Level 2 Fighter: 3000 (Level up at 4000)
Clay / Carthas, Level 1 Fighter: 371 (Level up at 2000)
John / West, Level 1 Cleric: 521 (Level up at 1750)
Oli / Lulu Spiderbite, Daughter of Lord Gorga, Level 4 Barbarian: 13048 (Level up at 16000)
Hayley / Bob, Level 2 Dwarf: 2999 (Level up at 4400)
Niall / Roht, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 722 (Level up at 2250)
??? / Unnamed Cleric of the Garden God, Level 1 Cleric: 0 (Level up at 1750)
Mariana / Joe Joe, Level 3 Halfling: 4631 (Level up at 8000)
-- Bat (whose name I forgot), Level 0 Chiroptera
Florent / Sir Arthur, Level 1 Fighter: 186 (Level up at 2000)
Jamie / Alden, Level 1 Magic-User: 186 (Level up at 2250)
Ben / Thant, Level 1 Cleric: 186 (Level up at 1750)
Mike / Arran Folynn, Level 1 Specialist (Rogue): 186 (Level up at 1500)
Alex / Arhnin, Level 1 Elf (Hollowback Ylfen): 1518 (Level up at 3000)
Daniel / Davrak, Level 1 Magic User: 976 (Level up at 2250)
Nuno / Temperion, Level 1 Magic User: 742 (Level up at 2250)
Leo / Leo, Level 4 Cleric: 11102 (Level up at 14000)
Liisa / Peggy Pigrider, Level 5 Dwarf: 19420 (Level up at 35200)
-- Mr Pig, Level 1 Porcine.
Aron / Alphonse the Gentleman Barbarian, Level 1 Barbarian: 1184 (Level up at 2000)
Nimrod / U, Level 2 Specialist (Monk): 2250 (Level up at 3000)
Renzo / (Renzo's next character), Level 2 ???: 3462 (Level up at ???)
Clay / Svalborg, Level 2 Goblin: 2204 (Level up at 4000)
-- Tzani Spillios, Level 0 Scholar
Thomas / Tobias, Level 2 Cleric: 2204 (Level up at 3500)
Josh / Larry, Level 1 Elf (Galumfy Dotard): 383 (Level up at 3000)
Will / Calen, Level 1 Halfling: 1582 (Level up at 2000)
Davide / Golden Junk, Level 1 Elf (Misergeist): 1971 (Level up at 3000)
Pedro / Dexter, Level 1 Necromancer: 1460 (Level up at 2250)
Mark / Marley, Level 2 Specialist: 2850 (Level up at 3000)
Rita / Arwen, Level 1 Elf (Sloomit Waghorn): 643 (Level up at 3000)
Sophia / Ceres, Level 1 Elf (Hollowback Ylfen): 1487 (Level up at 3000)
Alex / Tick, Level 1 Goblin: 731 (Level up at 2000)
Oliver / Pip, Level 1 Halfling: 731 (Level up at 2000)
Ej / Matilda, Level 2 Specialist: 1839 (Level up at 3000)
Sev / Brad the Stabbinator, Level 1 Fighter: 1871 (Level up at 2000)
Harry / Reg, Level 1 Dwarf: 150 (Level up at 2200)
Mike / Lootle Halfstack, Level 1 Specialist: 715 (Level up at 1500)
Aaron / Maura, Level 1 Halfling: 1637 (Level up at 2000)
Matt / Sheik, Level 1 Barbarian: 767 (Level up at 2000)
Shaun / Nagash, Level 1 Necromancer: 817 (Level up at 2250)
rhhjdghjdshgjbleeeh / Elric, Level 1 Cleric: 817 (Level up at 1750)
Michael / Mist Urmun, Level 4 Magic User: 12881 (Level up at 18000)
Pawel / Devein, Level 1 Dwarf: 1160 (Level up at 2200)
Marco / Sauron, Level 1 Necromancer: 1530 (Level up at 2250)
Tom / NWA Chuck Langley, Level 1 Cleric: 951 (Level up at 1750)
Ros / Rhea, Level 1 Elf (Capriped): 850 (Level up at 3000)
John / Level 1 Magic-User: 1500 (Level up at 2000)
Chris / Crocell, Level 4 Halfling: 12318 (Level up at 16000)
-- Belial, Level 1 Fighter: 1047 (Level up at 2000)
Michael / Mist Urmun, Level 4 Magic User: 9129 (Level up at 18000)
Renzo / Gastani, Level 2 Barbarian: 3000 (Level up at 4000)
Chris2 / Gadling, Level 3 Specialist (Assassin): 4738 (Level up at 6000)
Joanna / Artemis, Level 2 Specialist (Healer): 2250 (Level up at 3000)
George / Magnus, Level 1 Cleric: 1342 (Level up at 1750)
Lisa / Bella, Level 1 Magic User: 1951 (Level up at 2250)
Jacob / Wizard Khalifa, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 430 (Level up at 2250)
Marius' Totally-Not-Necromancer, Level 3 Necromancer: 5111 (Level up at 9000)
Nadav / Frog, Level 1 Fighter: 732 (Level up at 2000)
Charlie / Losh, Level 1 Elf (Habberjock): 309 (Level up at 3000)
Jack / Uldric, Level 1 Magic User: 409 (Level up at 2250)
Kate / Khaleesi, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 37 (Level up at 2250)
Emmi / Lyrel, Level 2 Necromancer: 2891 (Level up at 4500)
--- Schmidt, Level 0 Human
Sam / Lucados Orbrus, Level 2 Fighter: 3000 (Level up at 4000)
Clay / Carthas, Level 1 Fighter: 371 (Level up at 2000)
John / West, Level 1 Cleric: 521 (Level up at 1750)
Oli / Lulu Spiderbite, Daughter of Lord Gorga, Level 4 Barbarian: 13048 (Level up at 16000)
Hayley / Bob, Level 2 Dwarf: 2999 (Level up at 4400)
Niall / Roht, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 722 (Level up at 2250)
??? / Unnamed Cleric of the Garden God, Level 1 Cleric: 0 (Level up at 1750)
Mariana / Joe Joe, Level 3 Halfling: 4631 (Level up at 8000)
-- Bat (whose name I forgot), Level 0 Chiroptera
Florent / Sir Arthur, Level 1 Fighter: 186 (Level up at 2000)
Jamie / Alden, Level 1 Magic-User: 186 (Level up at 2250)
Ben / Thant, Level 1 Cleric: 186 (Level up at 1750)
Mike / Arran Folynn, Level 1 Specialist (Rogue): 186 (Level up at 1500)
Alex / Arhnin, Level 1 Elf (Hollowback Ylfen): 1518 (Level up at 3000)
Daniel / Davrak, Level 1 Magic User: 976 (Level up at 2250)
Nuno / Temperion, Level 1 Magic User: 742 (Level up at 2250)
Leo / Leo, Level 4 Cleric: 11102 (Level up at 14000)
Liisa / Peggy Pigrider, Level 5 Dwarf: 19420 (Level up at 35200)
-- Mr Pig, Level 1 Porcine.
Aron / Alphonse the Gentleman Barbarian, Level 1 Barbarian: 1184 (Level up at 2000)
Nimrod / U, Level 2 Specialist (Monk): 2250 (Level up at 3000)
Renzo / (Renzo's next character), Level 2 ???: 3462 (Level up at ???)
Clay / Svalborg, Level 2 Goblin: 2204 (Level up at 4000)
-- Tzani Spillios, Level 0 Scholar
Thomas / Tobias, Level 2 Cleric: 2204 (Level up at 3500)
Josh / Larry, Level 1 Elf (Galumfy Dotard): 383 (Level up at 3000)
Will / Calen, Level 1 Halfling: 1582 (Level up at 2000)
Davide / Golden Junk, Level 1 Elf (Misergeist): 1971 (Level up at 3000)
Pedro / Dexter, Level 1 Necromancer: 1460 (Level up at 2250)
Mark / Marley, Level 2 Specialist: 2850 (Level up at 3000)
Rita / Arwen, Level 1 Elf (Sloomit Waghorn): 643 (Level up at 3000)
Sophia / Ceres, Level 1 Elf (Hollowback Ylfen): 1487 (Level up at 3000)
Alex / Tick, Level 1 Goblin: 731 (Level up at 2000)
Oliver / Pip, Level 1 Halfling: 731 (Level up at 2000)
Ej / Matilda, Level 2 Specialist: 1839 (Level up at 3000)
Sev / Brad the Stabbinator, Level 1 Fighter: 1871 (Level up at 2000)
Harry / Reg, Level 1 Dwarf: 150 (Level up at 2200)
Mike / Lootle Halfstack, Level 1 Specialist: 715 (Level up at 1500)
Aaron / Maura, Level 1 Halfling: 1637 (Level up at 2000)
Matt / Sheik, Level 1 Barbarian: 767 (Level up at 2000)
Shaun / Nagash, Level 1 Necromancer: 817 (Level up at 2250)
rhhjdghjdshgjbleeeh / Elric, Level 1 Cleric: 817 (Level up at 1750)
Michael / Mist Urmun, Level 4 Magic User: 12881 (Level up at 18000)
Pawel / Devein, Level 1 Dwarf: 1160 (Level up at 2200)
Marco / Sauron, Level 1 Necromancer: 1530 (Level up at 2250)
Tom / NWA Chuck Langley, Level 1 Cleric: 951 (Level up at 1750)
Ros / Rhea, Level 1 Elf (Capriped): 850 (Level up at 3000)
John / Level 1 Magic-User: 1500 (Level up at 2000)
Chris / Crocell, Level 4 Halfling: 12318 (Level up at 16000)
-- Belial, Level 1 Fighter: 1047 (Level up at 2000)
Michael / Mist Urmun, Level 4 Magic User: 9129 (Level up at 18000)
Renzo / Gastani, Level 2 Barbarian: 3000 (Level up at 4000)
Chris2 / Gadling, Level 3 Specialist (Assassin): 4738 (Level up at 6000)
Joanna / Artemis, Level 2 Specialist (Healer): 2250 (Level up at 3000)
George / Magnus, Level 1 Cleric: 1342 (Level up at 1750)
Lisa / Bella, Level 1 Magic User: 1951 (Level up at 2250)
Jacob / Wizard Khalifa, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 430 (Level up at 2250)
Marius' Totally-Not-Necromancer, Level 3 Necromancer: 5111 (Level up at 9000)
Nadav / Frog, Level 1 Fighter: 732 (Level up at 2000)
Charlie / Losh, Level 1 Elf (Habberjock): 309 (Level up at 3000)
Jack / Uldric, Level 1 Magic User: 409 (Level up at 2250)
Kate / Khaleesi, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 37 (Level up at 2250)
Emmi / Lyrel, Level 2 Necromancer: 2891 (Level up at 4500)
--- Schmidt, Level 0 Human