Good work guys! A fairly bloodless little delve in the end, notwithstanding the death of the last henchman from last time.
I quite like this book-that-lets-you-play-through-the-dungeon-in-the-past gimmick, I might use it again some time!
Session 72 - Deja Two
Campaign Date:
Thursday, 19 November, 1549
Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent
Zodiac: Libra
Enemies Defeated:
Thursday, 19 November, 1549
Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent
Zodiac: Libra
Enemies Defeated:
- An 'armless skeleton (0 exp)
- 1 Lunatic Eye (50 exp)
- 2 Blind Eyes (100 exp)
- Gifflewim the Shopkeeper, forced to surrender post-mindcontrol (1500 exp)
Total: 1650 exp
Treasure and Equipment:
- Potion #161
- Potion #118
- Potion #236
- Parachute Cloak
- Skeleton torso backpack
- Grim mask allows wearer to see dead as they did in life
- 2 meat hook daggers.
- 1000 sp in various denominations (1000 exp)
- Book on Military Strategy
- Book on Flowers
- Book on Herbs
- A suit of golden armour (8000 exp)
- 2 golden goblets (900 exp)
- An old, detailed painting of hundreds of skeletons before an altar (2000 exp)
Total: 11900 exp
- Travelled 12 miles (40 exp)
- Travelled 12 miles (40 exp)
- 4 dungeon rooms explored (80 exp)
- One random encountered (20 exp)
Total: 140 exp
- Zea, Stabbington and Jumurak make their way to a small village away from the doom fortress to heal up, meanwhile Lulu (with Zea's Blessing) decides to climb the sheer mountain face to bypass the fortress and go directly to the cabin. (50 exp)
- The main gang decide to check out the Curiosity Shop in the village and meet Gifflewim, the shopkeeper. A cheeky mind-control later and he tells everyone all about how he's an Elf, will totally trade knickknacks for other knickknacks (50 exp)
- Party travels (with Gifflewim) to Lulu's position, discover she got climbing ropes about halfway up before having to come back down to the ground. Zea casts Remove Curse on Lulu, counteracting the effects of the Red Rapier
- Using crampons and the ropes Lulu put up, Stabbington makes it to the top. (50 exp)
- Up above the group digs into the unmarked grave specified in the book and find great treasures, but decide to come and grab them later after invading the dungeon under the cabin. (50 exp)
- A skeleton with no arms and a scroll in its ribcage tries to jog past from the cabin to the castle, is stopped and de-legged and carried around like C-3P0 in Cloud City, and the mysterious message is read out. (50 exp)
- A hidden grate specified in the book is filled with a goopy substance. An explosive potion (courtesy of Gifflewim) is dropped in and the ooze recedes. (50 exp)
- Lulu and the rest of the party descend via rope into the room with the pit, find the ooze monster singing to itself in the doorway and leading down the hole. It is ignored. (50 exp)
- Reading that the other door only opens when a sacrifice is made, they trick Token the archer into reading a passage from the book. He does so, and Lulu is possessed into kicking him down the hole, as intended. The door opens. (50 exp)
- Exploring past the door, the group check out the room where the knife-wielding murderer guy once was. Inside, a sarcophagus with a human skeleton in it wearing a grimacing mask. Lulu puts on the mask and discovers it allows her to see the undead as who they were in life. (50 exp)
- She also checks the overhang where the masked murderer once dropped down and discovers two meat hook knives. (50 exp)
- Mollified by the lack of murderer, the group checks out the room where the fat ghouls once resided. Other than some empty sarcophagi and some graspers attached to chain on the ceiling, the room is empty. (50 exp)
- A further room, not specified in the book, is explored and three large canopic jars found. One, once inspected, contains a bunch of old coins... then a strange hand-headed snake drops on Stabbington's shoulders and sends him mad. (50 exp)
- Stabbington carves his dog into bits, those who want to help him are also affected by the palm-eye of the snake and several also go insane. Jumurak begins rolling around in the shards of the canopic jar while Joe Joe starts shooting and Gifflewim begins casting a spell (50 exp)
- Two more hand-eye-snakes drop from the ceiling mid-fight, turning Stabbington blind as the madness wears off. One of the others is sliced to absolute shit by Lulu ("Hands off my friends"), and Gifflewim takes his opportunity to leg it when the mindcontrol is released. Joe Joe tries to shoot him but Gifflewim's spell gave him immunity to normal weapons. (50 exp)
- Lulu pursues... slowly. She gets to the grate to the surface in time to see GIfflewim near the top of the rope. Luckily a mad soothsayer once prophesied to Lulu that a rope would snap as music plays, and that prophesy came true amid the singing of the slime. Gifflewim falls, I pout. (50 exp)
- Gifflewim begs for his life, says he's got no hard feelings, gives party a bunch of cool stuff and the key to his shop in exchange for his freedom. (50 exp)
- The party descend back down the mountain, grabbing the buried treasure as they do so. (50 exp)
Total: 900 exp
Total: 900 exp
- Antagonist Emancipator bonus (50 exp)
- Brutal Kill bonus (50 exp)
- Deja Vu bonus (50 exp)
- Dramatic Battle bonus (50 exp)
- Enmity Inciter bonus (50 exp)
- Hard Bargain bonus (50 exp)
- Internecine Strife bonus (50 exp)
- Mind Control to Major Tom bonus (50 exp)
- Mountaineer bonus (50 exp)
- Overkill bonus (50 exp)
- PETA bonus (50 exp)
- This! Is! Sparta! bonus (50 exp)
- Tomb Raider bonus (50 exp)
- What the Fuck Guys bonus (50 exp)
- Failed Saving Throw bonus (Stabbington, Jumurak, Joe Joe - 100 exp ea.)
- Pundemonium bonus (Lulu - 100 exp)
Total: 700 exp + bonuses
Active Businesses:- Peggy Pigrider - Pie Mama's. Safe. Value: 1213sp
- John Doe the Unlucky - Anvil, Mining and Craft Company. Risky. Value: 1579sp
- Lulu Spiderbite - Clunge Honey. Safe. Value: 1357sp (+19% value, -accountant's fee)
- Joe Joe - Josephine's Petting Zoo. Risky. Value: 1455sp (-3% value)
- Stabbington Shanks - Tomb Busters. Risky. Value: 600sp
- John Doe the Unlucky - Anvil, Mining and Craft Company. Risky. Value: 1579sp
- Lulu Spiderbite - Clunge Honey. Safe. Value: 1357sp (+19% value, -accountant's fee)
- Joe Joe - Josephine's Petting Zoo. Risky. Value: 1455sp (-3% value)
- Stabbington Shanks - Tomb Busters. Risky. Value: 600sp
- Forgot to let you roll like yea.
Death Toll and Injuries:
- Stabbington's much-loved dog, Buster, and Stabbington's henchman whose death he was far more ambivalent to.
- Stabbington's much-loved dog, Buster, and Stabbington's henchman whose death he was far more ambivalent to.
Exp Totals:
Dominic / Sir Stabbington Shanks, Level 6 Fighter: 40140 (Level up at 64000)
Charles / Zea, Level 6 Cleric: 30651 (Level up at 56000)
Mariana / Joe Joe, Level 5 Halfling: 25870 (Level up at 32000)
Oli / Lulu Spiderbite, Daughter of Lord Gorga, Level 5 Barbarian: 25506 (Level up at 32000)
Sarah / Mana, Level 4 Specialist (Thief): 7511 (Level up at 12000)
+1d6 HP! +2 skill points!
Fraser / Jumarak2, Level 3 Muscle Wizard: 4916 (Level up at 9000)
+1d4 HP! +1 level 2 spell/day! +free level 2 spell!
+1d4 HP! +1 level 2 spell/day! +free level 2 spell!
David / Theras, Level 4 Specialist (Assassin): 8950 (Level up at 12000)
Absent or Retired:
Dana / Bingo Augustus, Level 5 Muscle Wizard: 19863 (Level up at 36000)
Kyle / Jane Doe, Level 4 Dwarf: 14042 (Level up at 17600)
Gary / Skirr Abderian, Level 1 Specialist (Thief): 416 (Level up at 1500)
Mariana / Aurora, Level 3 Cleric: 4018 (Level up at 7000)
Wai / Mogwi Stitch-Up, Level 2 Specialist: 2715 (Level up at 3000)
Sam / Lucados Orbrus, Level 2 Fighter: 3000 (Level up at 4000)
Clay / Carthas, Level 1 Fighter: 371 (Level up at 2000)
John / West, Level 1 Cleric: 521 (Level up at 1750)
Hayley / Bob, Level 2 Dwarf: 2999 (Level up at 4400)
Niall / Roht, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 722 (Level up at 2250)
??? / Unnamed Cleric of the Garden God, Level 1 Cleric: 0 (Level up at 1750)
Florent / Sir Arthur, Level 1 Fighter: 186 (Level up at 2000)
Jamie / Alden, Level 1 Magic-User: 186 (Level up at 2250)
Ben / Thant, Level 1 Cleric: 186 (Level up at 1750)
Mike / Arran Folynn, Level 1 Specialist (Rogue): 186 (Level up at 1500)
Alex / Arhnin, Level 1 Elf (Hollowback Ylfen): 1518 (Level up at 3000)
Daniel / Davrak, Level 1 Magic User: 976 (Level up at 2250)
Nuno / Temperion, Level 1 Magic User: 742 (Level up at 2250)
Leo / Leo, Level 4 Cleric: 11102 (Level up at 14000)
Liisa / Peggy Pigrider, Level 5 Dwarf: 19420 (Level up at 35200)
-- Mr Pig, Level 1 Porcine.
Aron / Alphonse the Gentleman Barbarian, Level 1 Barbarian: 1184 (Level up at 2000)
Nimrod / U, Level 2 Specialist (Monk): 2250 (Level up at 3000)
Renzo / (Renzo's next character), Level 2 ???: 3462 (Level up at ???)
Clay / Svalborg, Level 2 Goblin: 2204 (Level up at 4000)
-- Tzani Spillios, Level 0 Scholar
Thomas / Tobias, Level 2 Cleric: 2204 (Level up at 3500)
Josh / Larry, Level 1 Elf (Galumfy Dotard): 383 (Level up at 3000)
Will / Calen, Level 1 Halfling: 1582 (Level up at 2000)
Davide / Golden Junk, Level 1 Elf (Misergeist): 1971 (Level up at 3000)
Pedro / Dexter, Level 1 Necromancer: 1460 (Level up at 2250)
Mark / Marley, Level 2 Specialist: 2850 (Level up at 3000)
Rita / Arwen, Level 1 Elf (Sloomit Waghorn): 643 (Level up at 3000)
Sophia / Ceres, Level 1 Elf (Hollowback Ylfen): 1487 (Level up at 3000)
Alex / Tick, Level 1 Goblin: 731 (Level up at 2000)
Oliver / Pip, Level 1 Halfling: 731 (Level up at 2000)
Ej / Matilda, Level 2 Specialist: 1839 (Level up at 3000)
Sev / Brad the Stabbinator, Level 1 Fighter: 1871 (Level up at 2000)
Harry / Reg, Level 1 Dwarf: 150 (Level up at 2200)
Mike / Lootle Halfstack, Level 1 Specialist: 715 (Level up at 1500)
Aaron / Maura, Level 1 Halfling: 1637 (Level up at 2000)
Matt / Sheik, Level 1 Barbarian: 767 (Level up at 2000)
Shaun / Nagash, Level 1 Necromancer: 817 (Level up at 2250)
rhhjdghjdshgjbleeeh / Elric, Level 1 Cleric: 817 (Level up at 1750)
Michael / Mist Urmun, Level 4 Magic User: 12881 (Level up at 18000)
Pawel / Devein, Level 1 Dwarf: 1160 (Level up at 2200)
Marco / Sauron, Level 1 Necromancer: 1530 (Level up at 2250)
Tom / NWA Chuck Langley, Level 1 Cleric: 951 (Level up at 1750)
Ros / Rhea, Level 1 Elf (Capriped): 850 (Level up at 3000)
John / Level 1 Magic-User: 1500 (Level up at 2000)
Chris / Crocell, Level 4 Halfling: 12318 (Level up at 16000)
-- Belial, Level 1 Fighter: 1047 (Level up at 2000)
Michael / Mist Urmun, Level 4 Magic User: 9129 (Level up at 18000)
Renzo / Gastani, Level 2 Barbarian: 3000 (Level up at 4000)
Chris2 / Gadling, Level 3 Specialist (Assassin): 4738 (Level up at 6000)
Joanna / Artemis, Level 2 Specialist (Healer): 2250 (Level up at 3000)
George / Magnus, Level 1 Cleric: 1342 (Level up at 1750)
Lisa / Bella, Level 1 Magic User: 1951 (Level up at 2250)
Jacob / Wizard Khalifa, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 430 (Level up at 2250)
Marius' Totally-Not-Necromancer, Level 3 Necromancer: 5111 (Level up at 9000)
Nadav / Frog, Level 1 Fighter: 732 (Level up at 2000)
Charlie / Losh, Level 1 Elf (Habberjock): 309 (Level up at 3000)
Jack / Uldric, Level 1 Magic User: 409 (Level up at 2250)
Kate / Khaleesi, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 37 (Level up at 2250)
Emmi / Lyrel, Level 2 Necromancer: 2891 (Level up at 4500)
--- Schmidt, Level 0 Human
Sam / Lucados Orbrus, Level 2 Fighter: 3000 (Level up at 4000)
Clay / Carthas, Level 1 Fighter: 371 (Level up at 2000)
John / West, Level 1 Cleric: 521 (Level up at 1750)
Hayley / Bob, Level 2 Dwarf: 2999 (Level up at 4400)
Niall / Roht, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 722 (Level up at 2250)
??? / Unnamed Cleric of the Garden God, Level 1 Cleric: 0 (Level up at 1750)
Florent / Sir Arthur, Level 1 Fighter: 186 (Level up at 2000)
Jamie / Alden, Level 1 Magic-User: 186 (Level up at 2250)
Ben / Thant, Level 1 Cleric: 186 (Level up at 1750)
Mike / Arran Folynn, Level 1 Specialist (Rogue): 186 (Level up at 1500)
Alex / Arhnin, Level 1 Elf (Hollowback Ylfen): 1518 (Level up at 3000)
Daniel / Davrak, Level 1 Magic User: 976 (Level up at 2250)
Nuno / Temperion, Level 1 Magic User: 742 (Level up at 2250)
Leo / Leo, Level 4 Cleric: 11102 (Level up at 14000)
Liisa / Peggy Pigrider, Level 5 Dwarf: 19420 (Level up at 35200)
-- Mr Pig, Level 1 Porcine.
Aron / Alphonse the Gentleman Barbarian, Level 1 Barbarian: 1184 (Level up at 2000)
Nimrod / U, Level 2 Specialist (Monk): 2250 (Level up at 3000)
Renzo / (Renzo's next character), Level 2 ???: 3462 (Level up at ???)
Clay / Svalborg, Level 2 Goblin: 2204 (Level up at 4000)
-- Tzani Spillios, Level 0 Scholar
Thomas / Tobias, Level 2 Cleric: 2204 (Level up at 3500)
Josh / Larry, Level 1 Elf (Galumfy Dotard): 383 (Level up at 3000)
Will / Calen, Level 1 Halfling: 1582 (Level up at 2000)
Davide / Golden Junk, Level 1 Elf (Misergeist): 1971 (Level up at 3000)
Pedro / Dexter, Level 1 Necromancer: 1460 (Level up at 2250)
Mark / Marley, Level 2 Specialist: 2850 (Level up at 3000)
Rita / Arwen, Level 1 Elf (Sloomit Waghorn): 643 (Level up at 3000)
Sophia / Ceres, Level 1 Elf (Hollowback Ylfen): 1487 (Level up at 3000)
Alex / Tick, Level 1 Goblin: 731 (Level up at 2000)
Oliver / Pip, Level 1 Halfling: 731 (Level up at 2000)
Ej / Matilda, Level 2 Specialist: 1839 (Level up at 3000)
Sev / Brad the Stabbinator, Level 1 Fighter: 1871 (Level up at 2000)
Harry / Reg, Level 1 Dwarf: 150 (Level up at 2200)
Mike / Lootle Halfstack, Level 1 Specialist: 715 (Level up at 1500)
Aaron / Maura, Level 1 Halfling: 1637 (Level up at 2000)
Matt / Sheik, Level 1 Barbarian: 767 (Level up at 2000)
Shaun / Nagash, Level 1 Necromancer: 817 (Level up at 2250)
rhhjdghjdshgjbleeeh / Elric, Level 1 Cleric: 817 (Level up at 1750)
Michael / Mist Urmun, Level 4 Magic User: 12881 (Level up at 18000)
Pawel / Devein, Level 1 Dwarf: 1160 (Level up at 2200)
Marco / Sauron, Level 1 Necromancer: 1530 (Level up at 2250)
Tom / NWA Chuck Langley, Level 1 Cleric: 951 (Level up at 1750)
Ros / Rhea, Level 1 Elf (Capriped): 850 (Level up at 3000)
John / Level 1 Magic-User: 1500 (Level up at 2000)
Chris / Crocell, Level 4 Halfling: 12318 (Level up at 16000)
-- Belial, Level 1 Fighter: 1047 (Level up at 2000)
Michael / Mist Urmun, Level 4 Magic User: 9129 (Level up at 18000)
Renzo / Gastani, Level 2 Barbarian: 3000 (Level up at 4000)
Chris2 / Gadling, Level 3 Specialist (Assassin): 4738 (Level up at 6000)
Joanna / Artemis, Level 2 Specialist (Healer): 2250 (Level up at 3000)
George / Magnus, Level 1 Cleric: 1342 (Level up at 1750)
Lisa / Bella, Level 1 Magic User: 1951 (Level up at 2250)
Jacob / Wizard Khalifa, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 430 (Level up at 2250)
Marius' Totally-Not-Necromancer, Level 3 Necromancer: 5111 (Level up at 9000)
Nadav / Frog, Level 1 Fighter: 732 (Level up at 2000)
Charlie / Losh, Level 1 Elf (Habberjock): 309 (Level up at 3000)
Jack / Uldric, Level 1 Magic User: 409 (Level up at 2250)
Kate / Khaleesi, Level 1 Muscle Wizard: 37 (Level up at 2250)
Emmi / Lyrel, Level 2 Necromancer: 2891 (Level up at 4500)
--- Schmidt, Level 0 Human