Monday 21 October 2024

Session 384 - The Ascension of Deusix!

Date: 27 August

Moon: Waning Crescent
Zenith: The Lady

New Backstory:
- Hagen fell in love, of a sort, with the Old Miner from a young age. His heart has yearned for the Old Miner since then, and thus has never taken a lover. +1 AC when protecting someone older than you.
- Rudolphus saw a starving fellow student drop a loaf of bread, and returned it because students have to look out for each other. +1 to reactions with the destitute


--- On the Substance of a New God
- It's finally happened. Every single God part has been collected, gathered, and taken up to the launch facility at the top of Dwimmermount.
- As the God is put together by whirring brass machinery and connected by whirling ratchets, the party look at each other warily. The room is tense. Just who, or what, are they going to load into the heavenly machine?
- They decide to ask a currently existing God about the process. Handily they are in the God's very own mountain, and Minerva is easily contacted.
- The first core issue is that a new God requires the Old Miner to willingly give a copy of His mind as a template.
- The second core issue is that the person uploading themselves as a Core Mind gets their brain drilled out, which is not good for one's health. Uploading as a subsidiary Branch Mind is possible (and non-lethal) but it needs at least one core personality.
- They also discover that the current Gods contain branch copies of the minds of believers. While originally a combination of entire Dwarf arcologies, over time they have become more human as the relatively quick-breeding and short-lived human worshippers died and copies of their minds were integrated into the Gods.

--- The Options Mooted
- The broad options put forward are thus:
1) Upload the Old Miner. His stated goal is to flee into space and survive.
2) Fill it with pure chaos and see what happens.
3) Upload the party and become a new God
- The option of uploading Jonathon Toast is mooted but not really considered, for good reason.

--- Some Debate Missing
- This whole session was basically a long discussion of which option to go with, what to name the new God, and other such stuff.
- At some point, Red shows up! Tim doesn't want to upload Rudolphus because he likes Red more. This is accepted.
- Eventually they reach a decision - they will all upload as Core Minds and create a NEW GOD!
- The name of this new God will be Deusix. Six characters in one God, plus it can be read as DEUS IX as in "God 9", plus naturally it's a mechanical God so it's a "Deus Ex Machina". It's a great play on words!
- They phone up the Old Miner on Sydney's jellyphone and he agrees to be their God template, albeit "this is the last time!" and he largely does it so he can live a quiet life in Sydney's soon-to-be-inaccessible extradimensional apartment.

--- Ascension
- Decision made, they all line up to get their brains cored out. There is brief pain, then a surge of consciousness. They can feel each other, deeper than any teamchat. They are connected, yet separate. The first God to be made of more than one Core Mind!
- They declare themselves to be a six-sided God and the god-shell forms into a huge six-sided die. Each Lord gets a face. That's right! The pun is even better! Deusix is a giant d6!
- The cube God is conveyed through the mountain to the launch chamber. There is a long countdown, the peak of the mountain spirals open, and Deusix is launched!
- Looking up in shock with his single cyclopean octopoid eye, Jonathon Toast the horrible blimp whale and/or normal man sees a bright beam of light fire out of the rising God! It gets him straight in the brain and widens to obliterate him utterly. Deusix breathes a sigh of relief - that's an issue solved!

--- Abstract Battle
- The boosters detach as Deusix reaches orbital velocity and altitude. It's dark up here, and they can perceive the glimmer of the stars glistening from their brass die-faces.
- A connection opens up and the six core minds of Deusix are suddenly floating in white space.
- The eight other Gods are here, and one by one they test this new God until their thoughts are finally working in unison.
- With this final integration there are now Nine High Gods once more! Deusix takes the place of fallen Eris, and the Wheel is finally reformed! The Red Elves on their Red Moon have been foiled and no longer have access to the world, and thus can no longer slowly mine out the world's supply of magic.

--- Distant Echoes
- Meanwhile, down on Earth, Sydney's many backup plans trigger simultaneously. A rebirth via cocaine heart, a rebirth via the Lunar Womb, a cascading event that has the potential to resurrect many Sydneys! What grim horrors will these chaos-obsessed beings get up to? Only time will tell...
- Inside the remarkably packed interdimensional apartment, Sydney's slime familiar is once more unbound. Free of its master, the demon called Tal Vik Nam Kir Sor Bet plots with the Old Miner...

Exp Totals:
- Kitty / Julian & Aximander, both Ascended to Godhood.
- Carter / Sydney, Ascended to Godhood.
- George / Hagen, Ascended to Godhood.
- Tim / Red, Ascended to Godhood.
- Charles / Grogg Greedy, Ascended to Godhood.