Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Session 397 - I'm Stiiiill in a Dreeeam... Snake Eaaaterrrr

Date: 4th February 1625

Moon Phase: First Quarter
Moon Face: Clean Face
Zenith Deity: Alaunus

Returning Characters:
- Brie van der Hells. Necromancer. Riding on a zombie.
- Bulgur, Son of Borgar. Barbarian. Slayer of rat tails.
- Manrat Snels. Ratman. Can squeeze through tiny spaces.
- Nines. Inheritor. Experimentally focussed.

New Backstory:
- Bulgur, Son of Borgar is, and continues to be, a member of the landed gentry of the Wheatlands. Can find society contact in any city.
- Nines wasn't invited to a marvellous feast, but he turned up anyway disguised as a guest he'd devoured earlier. You can generally get yourself an invite to society events.
- Brie van der Hells was at a hot yoga class being run by Jojo Fullbeard and they ended up fighting!! +2 Strength


--- Next Time Baby
- Down in Visco City, the "real city" upon by the endlessly-ascending Goblin capital of Drudgespar, there is an ominous fizzing rumbling. The purple-veined black brick of the walls shivers with static.
- It sounds like some sort of exciting timeline event, so they anxiously ask around.
- Goblins tell them that every six months or so, the great blue Apocalypse Dragon approaches close enough for the winged goblins who ride him to attempt an attack on Drudgespar.
- Nines is super excited and fired up a Make-Light rune. It's super bright! Must be because the dragon is close! He starts considering creating some sort of magnetic slingshot that will propel the party up to the Skirts at the rim of Drudgespar.
- Alas for him, the others decide that it can wait. The mysterious clanging they heard deeper in the rat cave is more interesting.

--- Why Did It Have to be Snakes?
- They go back down into the sort of warehouse below the market where they recently fought sludgy rat monsters, and go towards the deep clanging. It's coming from beyond collapsed stone and brickwork... the gaps too small for a man to fit through.
- But Manrat is no mere man! He's a Manrat man! His body shimmies through holes as small as a human head, and he wriggles through.
- Beyond, brass snake heads on pillars. A big Newtons' Cradle type thing is clacking back and forth, hitting the brass and making the clanging sound! The floor is... snakes! Loads of snakes! And the walls, pigeonholes with snakes in them! Snakes!
- Manrat punches himself in the face to make his magic Coward's Shield teleport him back out of there!

--- Runes Glorious Runes
- They clear the blockage enough for everyone to get through and enter the snake chamber.
- Bulgur bravely strides forth and... the snakes are fine! Completely non-hostile.
- There are lots of Earth runes drawn about the place... and even... some in a diamond shape rather than a circle! How strange!
- Brie stops the balls from banging, and suddenly the snakes rear up! Oh no! She jumps up onto her zombie's back and commands it to use its brain-powered Fast Zombie mode and get them out of there!
- They exit, pursued by snakes.
- Nines is fascinated by the diamond runes and tries to use it. It doesn't work (dragon's dead innit) but there's a spark of something there. He restarts the newtons cradle too, pacifying the angry snakes.

--- Flies, you Fools
- In the next area, Brie breathes a sigh of relief as the snakes go back to being passive and start slithering back to the gong room.
- She surveys the room. There are piles of corpses in the corners and footprints like a lizard person or something. There are also huge big flies coming out of the the piles with big sharp mandibles!
- Brie and her zombie square up, but the flies only want live flesh! The zombie gets in the way, nobly getting monched to shreds by the huge pincers.
- Brie uses the distraction to cast Charnel Guise and appear as a skeleton. It totally works!
- Bulgur runs in and sees... oh no! Brie got skeletonised! In a mad rage Bulgur attacks the flies, followed by Manrat with his swarms (who fumbles, throws his sword, and hits another fly! Phew). Nines aims his rifle from behind.
- Nines shot goes off and BOOM! It's a massive gambit attack! He blasts two of the flies with one bullet, and then ONE MORE! Bulgur joins in and manages to golf-swing the shot into a third fly, which is nearly instakilled!
- Bulgur lands, turns on his heel, and cuts the last one in half!
- The last fly is brave. It is strong. It is being nibbled by a rat and bitten by a manrat and is finally killed by a skellington with a dagger. It is dead. The skellington turns back into Brie, to Bulgur's surprise and delight!

--- Histories and Mysteries
- They loot the room and peruse the murals on the walls as they do so. It's the history of Ninhursag (RIP) before the End War. The worship of the beautiful big green beast. Daubed over it is the more recent history, of Ninhursag's betrayal and death at the hands of the vicious POWERLAD and the depowering of the Earth Rune bound to the dragon. A sad story.
- The bodies in the piles are an integration of scaly lizardflesh and potatoey goblinflesh. Not a patchwork, more like they've grown together, goblins made lizardy. Amongst the dead they find a Clockwork Mine, a vial of Holy Water, a rationsworth of Mushrooms.
- Brie whips up some fresh Dead - a zombie and a skeleton, goblin-sized.

--- Training Area
- Listening and sniffing around, the party smell straw from one direction and voices from the others, so they go for the straw smell. It's a training area. Improvised weapons and straw dummies. All a bit worse for wear, but fine enough.
- Smacking a dummy makes a hidden torc tinkle to the ground! It's got Ninhursag heads on each end, and shivers with runic potential.

--- Lizard Wizard
- They head back and towards the deeper voices, coming to a barricade. Behind are lizard people with goblin voices! Seeing that the party are neither Dwarfs nor Goblins, they are willing to engage in polite banter. They've been defending this area since the death of Ninhursag, you see, when the earth rune's demise meant their enemies thought they would be weak.
- They also meet Gharial the Lizard Wizard! A strange guy who has been sucking the lizardness out of lizards and snakes and pushing it into the goblins. They hope that if they're lizardy enough, Ninhursag will return!
- They are offered a book about POWERLAD, who according to the book is both a wonderful guy and extremely horny at all times. They're interesting, and check it out.
- Nines and Brie consider converting to Ninhursagian (tbd), so in the meantime their new lizard-goblins allow them to stay and cook food as long as they're ok with sharing.
- It's a "Snamburger", a burger made with Lizard, Snake, Mushroom, Bread, Butter. Not that great, but will give a bonus to Fleeing rolls tomorrow. Could come in handy!

Total: 8000 exp

Treasures Taken:
- Clockwork Mine
- Vial of Holy Water
- Ration of Mushrooms (1 exp)
- Silver Torc allows earthbending (80sp)
Total: 81 exp

Foes Defeated:
- A load of snakes, technically (10 exp)
- Some giant carnivorous flies (200 exp)
Total: 210 exp

- Carter the Chronicler and Quartermaster (200 exp/level)
- George the Expedition Leader, Cartographer, and Chef (300 exp/level)
- Kitty the Vanguard (100 exp/level)

Exp Totals:
- Carter / Nines, Level 6 Inheritor: 42465 (Level up at 72000)
- Kitty / Bulgur, Son of Borgar, Level 6 Barbarian: 37265 (Level up at 64000)
- George / Manrat Snels, Level 6 Ratman: 30398 (Level up at 56000)
Level Up! +1d6 HP! +1 to Saves! Max Rats: 36! +Backstory!
- Ollie / Brie van der Hells, Level 5 Necromancer: 25898 (Level up at 36000)

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