Tuesday 26 September 2023

Session 354 - A Pylon in the Wastes

Date: 19 September

Moon: Waxing Crescent
Zenith: Alaunus

New Backstory:
- Hagan was having a riveting, energetic, and vastly heretical discussion about the Old Miner, aka Dwarf Satan, and how he was actually a good god. Then the Loremasters arrived, and everything went to shit! Once per session, cause everything to go to shit in an unexpected way. Roll 1d6: 1-2 Good for Enemies, 3-4 Bad for Everyone, 5-6 Good for You.


--- Bonding over Lore
- Hagan the Heretic has reached inside his Dwarven soul and unlocked a Lorebond - the Lore of the Elders that grants deep knowledge at a price.
- He reads the party's book about Ur-Rajzesk, the City of Rails, to find out more about the Underways below the Drudge Wastes.
- He discovers that the best way to access the pyramid network is via the Magma Pyramid, that the Hollow Nexus of the Underways is not broken, and that fixing the Underways will require destroying said Hollow Nexus.

--- Hanging in Grasp
- Meanwhile, Sydney has hired a force of Dwarven labourers to clean out their magical flat. After the rest of the party stayed there overnight it's a tip. For 400 obols the dwarves will refill the liquor cabinet with Clunge Honey Mead too!
- Odo hires a Dwarven retainer, whose take-cold forehead glyph means Warm-Heart.
- Hagar chats to a few of the other Dwarves, who tell him that they're from Ur-Jeizhek the City of Sigils. The hated Goblins destroyed Ur-Jeizhek in an earlier age, creating their capital city in the ruins. Their numbers have been dwindling ever since, especially since their culture breeds the old-fashioned way.

--- Deals within Deals
- Odo wants to invest into the Grumblebelch business, so asks around to see if anyone's seen a gold-masked demon around. Luckily the Dwarves are very much capitalists, despite the destruction of their capital, and so they've managed to attract the Greed Demon into town recently.
- Making her way to the darkened crumbling shop front, Odo rings the bell at the front. There is a strange noise from the dark... a flash of a gold mask... and... hey it's Gifflewim! This time on business for Julgoor, who is currently conducting business elsewhere. Business!
- Aximander reveals his red right hand, and Gifflewim shakes it with his own. They're fellow Languid Wastrels - Magic Aura Elves!
- Gifflewim tells them all about his actions when he was under the influence of the Idea of Thorns, travelling the world, propagating Thorns, seeding the world with living trees that would tear down civilisation and plant seeds in the ashes, that sort of thing. Turns out that spreading the Idea of Thorns spreads out its power, so it's widespread but weaker these days.
- On the other hand, he has NOT been informed of the Red Elves and their magic-draining plan to mine the world for realities. This cannot stand!
- They trade items with him.
Aximander trades eldritch shackles for a Potion of Nightmares that brings prophecy.
Sydney trades Vantablack Paint for a Runeba that will clean the apartment. 
Odo trades a dot-matrix printer for a Folio of Monsters that lets you identify foes. 
Jojo trades a direction-swapping playing card for a Null-Magic Shield that can be broken to stop a spell. 

--- To the Spire
- It's a much nicer day as they set off to the Pylon to the north of Grasp. If they can switch it on, they'll link it to the pyramid at Splug and hopefully start de-poisoning the Wastes!
- When I say "a nicer day" I actually mean a long sustained drizzle that saps the spirit. Bulging tubers sprout from the muck and mire, swollen and soaked by the rain. Deflated aubergines are trivially gathered.
- Roiling winds come in during the afternoon, but luckily this slows them long enough to spot some Frazzlejack growing on the shells of dead angels!
- They reach the Pylon as the sun starts to set, and briefly consider hunkering down in a mysterious hole surrounded by scrabbling claw marks. Odo checks the book of beasts and discovers it's a trapdoor monster's vacated hole! Good to know.
- However the Pylon is close, so they decide to check it out first.

--- Inside the Pylon
- Within they discover a short hanger entrance, then a whole hollow interior space within the pylon. There is the distorted mechanical singing of tortured angels. Inside, inset into the pylon, is a squat pyramid.
- The walls are circuitboard channels with the occasional trickle of mercury running through them. Odo touches it and it gives her a static shock.
- Also, looking through the front door, the pyramid itself is more of a stepped open-topped maze! Climbing the walls is fairly trivial.
- Odo passes Warm-Heart a crossbow and idly asks what he knows of Ur-Jeizhek history. Turns out, a lot!

--- Historical Intermission
- Humans were freed from Halfling rule by the Dwarves in the late 1440s and lived in peace with the various races. Centuries later, in the 1980s, the Goblins rebelled against the Dwarves who had so kindly allowed them to live in their cities. Ur-Jeizhek was sacked, and the Dwarves driven out.
- The other Dwarves locked themselves into their cities, and a last hero from Ur-Jeizhek inverted the pyramids' poison pumps. The Drudge Wastes were formed, and the central control pyramid of Ur-Jeizhek was destroyed. It is now Dwarf Year 4482.
- Hagan the Heretic's main question is... in what Dwarf year was Jesus alive??

--- Eat the Good Mushroom
- Aximander, half-listening to this rambling, peeps into the next room and sees a dead Dwarf surrounded by dead Goblins. He picks a glowing mushroom from a dead goblins' neck and eats it! It's great, but he barely feels attached to his body, like another person is controlling it... woaoooohhh.
- Warm-Heart finishes his history lesson and tries a mushroom too. Wooaoahhhahahooohhhh
- Ahead there is an angel screaming, but the beat is sick. Aximander and Warm-Heart can't help but follow...
- There is, indeed, an angel! But it's barely holding together, metal pieces fizz with electrical energies, its huge central eye flickering like a plasma ball.
- Odo grabs the troubleshooting Dwarven head, which informs that this angel needs an update! No time for that now, it's time to battle!

--- Defeat the Angel
- Odo attacks with a sword, but the static burst from its armour makes him drop it! Hargen lobs a broom to immobilise it, but trips himself too!
- Aximander blasts it with fire, miscasts... and doesn't expend the mana! The angel is veeeery messed up.
- Jojo punches with a bare fist, gets stunned, then Sydney follows up with their spear. Electricity runs up the weapon but... they're wearing blacksmith gloves! No effect!
- The angel detonates, leaving behind a glowing AI core... which is immediately snatched.

--- Mushroomised Goblins
- There's a door ahead, but without power it remains closed. Over the wall it is! The only trouble is Sydney's singing clock, which takes a bit of getting over the wall.
- While they're sweating and struggling with the clock (which can't stop singing), they hear deeper-voiced goblins??
- Approaching are 11 goblins, glowing mushrooms on their necks. They are surprisingly chill.
- Aximander casts Guiding Lights, trying to bring about the emotional concept of "the way I will feel when I reach the goal of this dungeon". It miscasts, and does the opposite, guiding back to the dead angel which is, even now, starting to get reformed in the middle of the room.
- Aximander squints, squeezes his eyes shut, and tried again. It works! He thinks!
- The goblins, while permanently high on alterket-adjacent mushrooms, are no longer surprisingly chill. Warm-Heart harbours no warm feelings towards the species that killed his city, and is saying some extremely rarefied racial slurs.
- Odo distracts Warm-Heart while Aximander talks to the goblins. It sounds like these mushrooms are an anti-goblin bioweapon created by Dwarves!
- The goblins are now peaceful, but still very much in the way. Sydney picks them up and moves them out of the way one by one, with a little "wahoooo!" each time.

--- Alaunus 3.1
- They head round a corner, following the Guiding Lights, and very much avoid a room with white-eyed goblins crawling in a suppurating pit of fungus.
- The Lights lead them up a ramp towards a locked shut mechanical door. However, on the approach of several Dwarfs, it opens!
- Inside is another ancient god-plate attached to a large old-computer-green screen. They turn it on.
- A pixelated image of a mailed fist comes onto the screen! It's a young, brash Alaunus!
- The modern Alaunus makes the connection, but the party dismiss him for now and get this one to activate the terraforming engines... which it does!
- Then, seeing as an updated version is coming in... it deletes itself.
- Modern Alaunus arrives again, despite attempts to block him. He spouts propaganda about how he can't use this old hardware, and anyway it's foolish because he's defending the Earth from the Red Elves invading above! They're attempting to crash their Red Moon into Luna!
- He can send angels down to repair the pylon, which the party is cagey about. It's working ok already isn't it?
- At the mention of a gap in the Gods' defence network, they all suddenly realise the stakes. Eris, the Ninth God, was supposed to be under Dwimmermount right? Maybe they should take their airship over that way to sort out the Heavens before they think about resurrecting the Earth!

Total: 11000 exp

Treasures Acquired:
- A bunch of "depression potatoes"
- 4 frazzlejack (4 exp)
- 5 alterket mushrooms (5 exp)
- Fried angel core (250 ob)
Total: 259 exp

Enemies Defeated:
- A broken angel, destroyed. (500 exp)
- A crowd of goblins, moved aside. (55 exp)
Total: 555 exp

- Carter the Chronicler & Paymaster
- Kitty the Expedition Leader
- Ollie the Quartermaster
- George the Vanguard
- Tom the Chef

Exp Totals:
- Carter / Sydney, Level 7 Magic-User: 81580 (Level up at 144000)
- Ollie / Jojo Fullbeard, Level 6 Muscle Wizard: 56012 (Level up at 72000)
- Kitty / Julian & Aximander, Level 6 Languid Wastrel: 36965 (Level up at 72000)
Level Up! +1d6 HP! +1 to Saves! +1 Mana! +Backstory!
- Tom / Grumblebelch, Level 5 Dwarf: 20740 (Level up at 32000)
- George / Hagen the Heretic, Level 3 Dwarf: 6687 (Level up at 8000)

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