Tuesday 10 October 2023

Session 356 - Green Men of Dwimmermount

Date: 3 October

Moon: Waning Gibbous
Zenith: The Dead God

New Backstory:
- Julian shouldn't have kissed Aximander on that one drunken night... but he did it anyway! Making out with the other guy who lives in your body means they both made the first move! 
Special Double! Once per session, cause someone to make a romantic advance on you and +1 HD of health for the rest of the session if you successfully romance someone!


--- Mountain Shenanigans
- Our heroes are schlepping it up the outside slope of Dwimmermount, the legendary mountain where the Ninth God, Eris, is said to be buried. The enormous Seraphim on the summit is long gone, though the scars remain.
- Odo goes on and on about Dwarven microarchitecture, straining the patience of the others. Sydney has found ancient maps of the dungeon (as in Carter dug up the old maps from irl years ago).
- About halfway up they pass by a red door in the mountainside. 
Sydney figures that this must be the legendary Dwarven back door! It is not, but they try anyway. Speaking "mellon" causes a watermelon to appear! Speaking "friend" causes... Shrub Jr to appear! Yes, after all those months away he has finally returned! Since it's past summer our favourite banana man has lost his fruits, and is now a tangle of branches with autumnal colours.
- The runes on the door are written in the language of Ur-Kalladh, which several people can read! It's called the Alchemist's Door, and only opens on rare conjunctions.
- Undeterred by such things, Jojo punches the side of the mountain and uses Passwall! Alas, it's a portal, and so there's nothing behind that door. They continue.

--- Green Men
- The red double doors up top are covered with layers of oiled tarpaulins. Dropped frazzlejack and bootprints indicate squatters! They enter, setting off an alarm trap - a huge crash of metal as they slip past the tarps.
- Behind the tarps, hung near the entrance, they find breather masks and travel gear. Several masks are snagged!
- They go down the stairs inside. At the bottom, alerted by the crashing sound, is a bright green human man! He remarks that Odo is clearly wearing his gas mask, but doesn't seem to concerned.
- After a bit of banter, the man calls for his friends who emerge with net shields and padded spears. They're friendly! They offer to show the party the way down deeper. There are two routes, one that they don't use because it's where the gene wizard created their poison-resistant forms before going mad. The other goes down to the chapel level.
- On the way they go past a sermon. Most of the congregation aren't green, and the people giving the sermon are very wide Dwarves - or rather, stone-wrought almost-Dwarves called Inclusions - who have clearly integrated bits of angel into themselves! They say they're advancing their minds to the point that they'll become new Gods. Good luck I guess!
- They say that the lift is off limits due to an outbreak of horrible plants with horrible pollen. Since they are made of stone the Inclusions are fine. Anybody else, death and mind control. If you can get down to the bottom of the lift fourth floor and activate the purging system you'll be able to use the lift again.
- The party swap books with the Inclusions and continue on via a room with what look like old magical videos showing the invasion of Dwimmermount by victorious Romans a couple of millenia ago.

--- Terminators
- Down the stairs there are... roboskeletons! Their joints are hissing machinery, and their limbs contain various repair tools!
- The party charges in, slaying all but one of the skeletons... and who should that skeleton be but a Snels! This is Deletion Snels, the version of Snels that corrupted a false world in the mainframe of Fortress-City Fate, subjected it to the Third Impact, and escaped in a glitched body! He's an Inheritor, but one that uses computer code rather than flesh to copy powers!
- I had forgotten this whole sub-plot because it occurred on the moon.

--- A Wiggly Guy
- They snoop around looking for more doors, and note that the walls have bas reliefs of momento mori - skeletons dancing, skulls, bones, that sort of thing.
- Shrub Jr busts open a door and is confronted by... a wiggly guy! A snake made up of human bones dances out of a wicker pot! Shrub Jr does not care, shoves the snake back in, and sits on the lid. Then he straps it to his chest. 
- There's treasure in the room beyond too! Along with old coins and a golden goblet, there's an inverted and concave symbol of the Nine. Deletion Snels puts it on and becomes Apostate to all religions!

--- Guided by the Lights
- Aximander casts his now-classic Guiding Lights spell, and names "the emotion I'd feel if I found a God" which I interpret as some sort of fear-awe. The lights drift off in a direction, and they follow.
- They come to a large hall with six big pillars, each made of a different substance and each with a letter inscribed on it. Odo works it out first - they spell VERITA. He touches the pillars in order and gains a minor Lay on Hands!
- Sydney does the same and passes the save, losing a little HP but gaining the ability to cast Blessing of the Nine!
- Everybody else doesn't risk it. They follow the lights onwards.
- They pass by various scents, and some graffiti warning of "neandergoblins", whatever those are.

--- Maggots!
- While distracted by a room full of stacked-up wooden god statues... an attack from behind! Tentacles slap onto the backs of Sydney and Aximander, sending them painfully to the ground! The others turn and see a couple of enormous maggots, tentacles writhing from their faces!
- Sydney casts their Sudden Siege Engine spell and a ballista from another dimension splashes one of the maggots and heavily hurts the other! Something has gone awry though... the portal stays open... it's a portal to the End War! Through the portal they see an enormous bone dragon, and shiny soldiers in the shiny armour of the Shining Army of Fate march past towards the final battle!
- Sydney passes out from the poison. Odo is fascinated by the portal and throws a banana at one of the soldiers... but is then attacked by the surviving grub! It is said that the banana grew up to become Shrub Jr.
- Deletion jumps in the way so that it stuns him and he can detect its special move! It works! Aximander stabs it with his burning sword, slaying it, then passes out himself...
- Odo uses his newfound holy power to bring Aximander back to consciousness... but not Sydney alas.

--- Tasty Treats
- With the maggots dead, Deletion Snels immediately falls into a pool of data and starts absorbing the genetic code from a maggot. The others chop up the other maggot for food. Protein!
- Sydney briefly wakes up, casts Safe Space, and passes out again. They get hustled into the flat, maggot dragged along behind, and go straight to the kitchen!
- It's a jumble of fruit topped with fried maggot. It's absolutely superb! Aximander has outdone himself! Not only does it heal everyone up nicely, it also makes everyone run away from stuff faster! Lovely!
- We end there in relative safety, Sydney passed out on the bed, and everybody else being remarkably well behaved.

Total: 8000 exp

Enemies Defeated:
- A bunch of roboskeletrons (100 exp)
- A wiggly bone snake (50 exp)
- Two corpse maggots (200 exp)
Total: 350 exp

Treasures Claimed:
- 1200 obols in old money (1200 exp)
- Golden chalice (1000 exp)
- Apostate Brooch
- Wiggly Bone Snake in a pot.
Total: 2200 exp

Exp Totals:
- Carter / Sydney, Level 7 Magic-User: 85968 (Level up at 144000)
- Ollie / Jojo Fullbeard, Level 6 Muscle Wizard: 60400 (Level up at 72000)
- Kitty / Julian & Aximander, Level 6 Languid Wastrel: 38924 (Level up at 72000)
- Tom / Grumblebelch, Level 5 Dwarf: 27128 (Level up at 32000)
- Charles / Shrub Junior, Level 2 Banana Brackling: 3454 (Level up at 4000)
Level Up! +1d6 HP! +1 to Saves! +Backstory!
- George / Deletion Snels, Level 1 Cyber-Inheritor: 1959 (Level up at 2250)

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