Monday, 3 March 2025

Session 399 - Goblin Debate Club

Date: 25th February 1625

Moon Phase: Waning Crescent
Moon Face: Pocked Face
Zenith Deity: Deusix

New Backstory:
- Manrat Snels was involved in numerous bank heists in the past. He'd fallen in with a gang of bank robbers, and only escaped when he was sent to join the "Bread Cult" and fell in with them instead! +2 to hit guards, soldiers, and other enforcers of the law.


--- The Setup
- We rejoin the party in and under Visco City, the fallen-in undercity below the goblin capital of Drudgespar. It is, to all but in name, a big old dungeon formed of purple-veined bricks and the collapsed remains of the shaky foundations of that great edifice.
- They are currently considering how to assault the very obviously animate but unmoving Gargoyles guarding a pile of old treasure they saw last session. Said Gargoyles are up a hand-operated lift that only takes two people at a time and raises them into the middle of the treasure room, whereupon they will fairly obviously be set upon by the stone guardians.
- What to do?

--- The Payoff
- Nines fucks about with glyphs, and discovers that the square runes (retcon alert) boost the energy of the resultant glyph at the cost of HP.
- Meanwhile Manrat brings up that he found this cool clockwork time-delay bomb recently. Why not just winch that bad boy up in the lift and blow the Gargoyles up before they even have a chance to fight?
- Sounds legit! They raise it up and... BOOM! The lift cracks and a cavalcade of coins tinkles down from above!
- There's also a golden goblet which Bulgur immediately picks up. The thing is, he can't put it down...
- Zeppelino helpfully takes it from him and is burned by the contact! Egads! He can't put it down either!
- Nines climbs up to the treasure room above and discovers a strange shield with an animated talking skull embedded in it which calls itself Guado. It whispers that the Gargoyles can only move when unseen.
- Nines passes this info down, and everyone positions themselves so they've got a wiiide angle gaze on these monsters. They ready their ranged attacks. Nines hoovers up the treasure into his skin, converting the silver into demonic tattoo Obols.
- Alas, when hit, a Gargoyle just... vanishes! It reappears out of eyelines and attacks in a blur!
- Another is hit at the same time and the two Gargoyles attack the unsuspecting adventurers from behind! Brie's minions take the brunt of the Gargoyle attack, her skeleton shattering into bones!

--- Like, Let's Get Outta Here Scoob!
- Nines evacuates, leaping down from above into Bulgur's (strong, gentle) arms! They scarper with the others, shuffling backwards at speed so they keep the monsters in their line of sight.
- Brie van der Hells, resident Necromancer, seals the room as the party escape with her Link Portals spell! The doors within link up, ensuring those who enter a door exit from another door in the same room!
- They put a few rooms between them and take a breather in a room supported by a single pillar carved to look like Apocalypse Dragon Ninhursag. Nines questions the shield Guado, who says he fell down here after a museum collapsed. He's been in that Gargoyle hoard for a while. Zeppelino offers to carry him around.
- There's man-sized lizard tracks here (probably those lizard-goblins from before), and Zeppelino shins up the pillar to see if there's anything cool up there. To his delight, gems! Some of the carved dragonscales are emeralds, mostly up the top which is out of reach of the average person.

--- Tasty Treats!
- They head further away from the Gargoyles and hear, in one direction, some arguing voices. Zeppelino figures these to be the hated Dwarfs who are trying to undermine the city! Everyone else reckons it's goblins.
- Just then, a flood of snakes surges through the area! Free food, one might think! Manrat takes a nasty bite from a snake and gains a bunch of Bleed Poison. There are some embarrassing attempts to heal him via First Aid until they just give him a healing potion and a stale bread roll until he feels better.
- They cautiously approach the direction of the arguing voices, checking doors as they go.
- The first one they find opens into an old chapel. It's a Nonanist chapel, with the classic nine-ways rotating altar, and so the resident Nonanists set it to this weeks' God - once Eris, now Deusix.
- Bulgur supplicates himself and gains the blessing of (roll, roll) Hagan! Lord of Lore, Bearer of the word Faith! Rolls of 5 on a d6 shalt be blessed by his holy power!
- Zeppelino loots some communion wafers and low-alcohol wine.

--- Drunk Goblins
- The next door opens to reveal... several goblins drinking from an old keg! They seem furtive and embarrassed to be found out, and welcome the party in so long as they don't rat them out to their war criminal Hobgoblin masters.
- They say that their rot-farms in the area have been overwhelmed by the rising gunge of the sinking undercity, and so their masters are debating next steps in a nearby hall.
- There is also, to the delight of several, mushroom rations in the crates, along with a jar of dried basil. Good for recipes!

--- The Debaters
- The party head round the corner towards the still-arguing voices. It's a council of Hobgoblins, as promised! They are sat around a U-shaped arrangement of tables in the classic style, neutral speaker at the head, debating whether they move up or shore up. The Move-Uppers want to relocate to a higher tier of the undercity. The Shore-Uppers want to fortify this level and avoid the move for now.
- Zeppelino takes the lead and in a rousing speech persuades them that their debate with each other is foolish - the true enemy is the Dwarves whose undermining of the city makes this debate necessary in the first place! No Dwarves, no sinking! Nobody has to move up or shore up if the Dwarves are defeated!
- There's a rumour that a secret door to the north will open when exposed to Saviourbone. One of the Hobgoblins, name of Slimy Boi, offers to show them the way.
- There's also a collapsed pile of rubble nearby, which collapsed relatively recently according to the goblins here. Nines, always stoked to test out runes, helps clear the way with antigravity rune-work. There is, beyond, hissing.

--- Last Gasps of the Asps
- It's an old, abandoned guardroom. There's a bookshelf at the back. Everyone is VERY interested in that bookshelf!
- Nines, presuming that the hissing is more goddamn snakes, mutates and wafts out a burst of Pain Poison spores from his mushroom-head mutation. Luckily he's right! The hissing stops.
- The others move in once the spores have calmed down, finding some knocked-out asps lying around the place which they duly kill for food.
- They raid the bookshelf and find a few books and a deck of cards! Very cool!

---Traditional Cooking Minigame
- We're coming up to kicking-out time, so Zeppelino takes the lead in the relative safety of the goblin council area to cook up a tasty meal.
- He calls it Danger Noodles. A mix of the recently-slain Asps, (human) bone broth, and stale bread. To my great surprise, it's delicious!
- They also take the opportunity to read some books over dinner. Discoveries include that Roman Ruins lie beneath Drudgespar, the relationship between Middle and North Loegria is fraught but stable but contains no Red Elves (at time of publishing) and, to Nines' chagrin, that the Earth has only three living Apocalypse Dragons upon it.
- With the Underclock about to tick over to an ambush, we end the session here!

Total: 9000 exp

Treasures Claimed:
- 8000 silver (8000 exp)
- Guado the Living Shield
- 10 scale-shaped emeralds (500 exp)
- Book #349 - POWERLAD: Naughty in the North (50 exp)
- Book #255 - Decorative Arts (50 exp)
- Book #162 - Ancient Rome (50 exp)
- Book #352 - POWERLAD: Smitten at Sea (50 exp)
- Book #233 - Fiefdoms of Middle Loegria (50 exp)
- Book #410 - How to Cook Humans (50 exp)
Total: 8800 exp

Foes Defeated
- Quite a few relatively innocent snakes (40 exp)
Total: 40 exp

- Carter the Chronicler and Cartographer (200 exp/level)
- Kitty the Expedition Leader (100 exp/level)
- Charles the Paymaster and Chef (200 exp/level)
- Ollie the Quartermaster (100 exp/level)
- George the Vanguard (100 exp/level)

Exp Totals:
- Carter / Nines, Level 6 Inheritor: 50317 (Level up at 72000)
- Kitty / Bulgur, Son of Borgar, Level 6 Barbarian: 43917 (Level up at 64000)
- George / Manrat Snels, Level 6 Ratman: 34566 (Level up at 56000)
- Ollie / Brie van der Hells, Level 5 Necromancer: 32350 (Level up at 36000)
- Charles / Zeppelino, Level 5 Goblin: 27953 (Level up at 32000)

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