Date: 11th March 1625
Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous
Moon Face: Dirty Face
Zenith Deity: The Allfather
Returning Characters:
- Nines. Inheritor. Increasingly mutated.
- Bulgur, Son of Borgar. Barbarian. Spear-thrower extraordinaire.
- Manrat Snels. Ratman. On his way to salvation.
- Brie van der Hells. Necromancer. Skeleton tamer.
- Zeppelino. Goblin. Minion mangler.
--- The Hounds of Hell!
- In an area of the collapsing old city of ever-climbing Drudgespar, the walls bulge and sludge pools around fallen columns. Our party is here because they seek a priest they've heard about... a priest whose head is a flaming skull!
- The ceiling is tall here, and they spot dark shapes moving among the thick webs above. There's a skeleton crushed under a collapsed bit of ceiling as well. Zeppelino sends in a goblin minion, Espresso, to dig through it. This takes time, and makes a bit of noise, attracting attention...
- The cries of baying hounds echo through the gunk-drenched corridors, and they're getting closer! Everyone gets into ambush positions, hiding around the columns or (in Nines' case) climbing up the wall.
- Black dogs with burning skull-faces burst in, and are quickly set upon by the party! Manrat sends in his rodent troops, which are unfortunately easily burnt to cinders when one of the dogs breathes a burst of flame! Zeppelino holds his goblins back to attack from range, but they're pretty inaccurate.
- Brie van der Hells summons her darkest magics and attempts to Subjugate Dead, reasoning that they've got skeleton heads so probably count as Undead. Alas, she's wrong, these hell hounds are a whole different kind of thing.
- Bulgur nails one to a post with a thrown spear, but unfortunately trips over Nines as he runs in to follow up. It's a pile up! Bulgur recovers quickly though, and between heavy blows from the pumpkinhead axes and rifle fire from Manrat they manage to kill the dogs in short order, keeping their distance because the dogs detonate on death!
--- Spider Treats
- Hell hounds defeated, Zeppelino sends Espresso to finish digging up the corpse that led to this whole mess and other goblins to butcher the dogs for meat. Yum! Maybe!
- The corpse under the rubble is an Ur-Jeizhek Dwarf, you can tell by the rune carved into his skull. Pretty hardcore even for an Ur-Jeizhek Dwarf. He was wearing enchanted human-sized boots (thigh high on his bones) which make one float! Bulgur puts them on and experiments with the levitation - basically you push off in much lighter gravity and keep going up until you take them off! Cool!
- Nines tidies up the dog corpses for the spiders, who have been staying well away from the conflict and fire. As the party leaves the room, the giant spiders descend to pick at the meat.
--- Chaos Control
- Manrat's rat scouts scurry ahead to inspect the way. It all seems pretty great (to the rats) so the party continue on.
- They notice metal braziers (not brassières, despite common mispronunciation) around the place which suck in flame from their torches if they're not careful, and when that happens they can hear rantings and ravings the the hellfire preacher they're here to find.
- They notice metal braziers (not brassières, despite common mispronunciation) around the place which suck in flame from their torches if they're not careful, and when that happens they can hear rantings and ravings the the hellfire preacher they're here to find.
- The rat scouts return from the next area in fear! Manrat is intrigued, and goes into an area where dead rat-kings are arranged in ritual shapes. Very scary if you're a rat, not so much if you're a Manrat. Brie reckons it's a ritual to repel rats.
- They hear mad mumblings and giggling from outside the room, so Nines lights the brazier. There is a howl and hell hounds start pulling their way from the ritual circles! It wasn't a rat repellent ritual at all!
- Brie, having learnt her lesson last time, chugs a Potion of Demon Control she has on hand. This time it works! One of the hounds becomes her loyal minion, the others are at least non-violent. She sends her hound and its brethren out to attack the giggling stalkers. Very good!
--- Horror Hobbits
- The next area is painted with mesmerising patterns, which everyone steadfastly refuses to look at. Bulgur grabs a metal spike from the ground, looks up, and sees a child-sized figure whose head is turning riiiiight around to watch him!
- Bulgur attacks, but it skitters back and opens its lamprey mouth! It's one of those genetic throwback Proto-Halflings! He looks up and there are more of the bastards! They leap from the roof and start trying to attach their second jaw lamprey tongue onto peoples' necks!
- A couple of Zeppelino's goblins get tongued and mind-controlled, really messing up the party's strategy. Bulgur rams his iron spike into the ceiling but gets one on his back, which cancels the levitation effect, and they both fall. Luckily it's Halfling-side down, Bulgur squashing the monster with his not-inconsiderable weight!
- Manrat, Zeppelino and Brie send in their various minions. Bulgur's got the squashed one under his boot-heel now, and laughs as its shanked by goblins and devoured by rats. Alas, Brie's skeleton gets torn apart by the Halflings' clinging claws.
- Nines gets attacked and mine-controlled by the Halfling on his back! His powerful pumpkinhead strike on Manrat is luckily absorbed by a protective layer of rat armour.
- Brie kills one of them, tearing off its lamprey tongue and sucking its Last Breath straight from the source! Gnarly, and surprising it hasn't happened before honestly!
- The other Halflings are soon despatched by swarms of rats and a storm of steel. The last one begs for mercy... but none is offered. Manrat stabs it in the throat.
--- Cleanup Time
- Brie raises a Halfling corpse as a zombie with that Last Breath she just obtained, then feeds it another corpses' brain to smarten it up in the hopes that it can read the brain somehow. Alas, no.
- Nines collapses into sloppy organic ooze to devour one - he wants that mind control!
- Meanwhile Zeppelino goes around putting fresh hands into a magic box to help heal people.
- All normal adventure stuff, very standard.
- All normal adventure stuff, very standard.
- There's also treasure! Woo! 120 obols in trinkets, a Gunk Bomb that explodes into ooze, and a partial dungeon map which Zeppelino describes amusingly poorly. They also gain the best treasure of all - butchered proto-Halfling meat. Yum.
- While this is all going on, FIERY ORATORY can be heard echoing! Of course the party get running straight there as soon as possible, even though it got rid of everyones' Faith Bonus.
--- Ghost Snels
- On the way they are immediately distracted by finding a fountain of mercury. Cool! Brie flicks in a gold coin and sees it start dissolving.
- Bulgur puts his hand right in there to feel what it's like! Heavy, but not wet. You can't get mercury poison just by touching it.... right? .... Right?
- Bulgur puts his hand right in there to feel what it's like! Heavy, but not wet. You can't get mercury poison just by touching it.... right? .... Right?
- A red glow reminds everyone that they're actually here to find that priest guy.
- He's just around the corner, skull in flames, chanting holy scripture, in the remains of an old Denialist church! The fiery priest yells that he is Receive-Unto-Thee-The-Holy-Ghost Snels, cursed to a hundred years of oratory!
- He starts throwing fireballs from his head at those who disrespect him (chiefly Zeppelino) until Manrat introduces himself as one of the Snels line too! And he wishes to convert to Denialism!
- Manrat is thus rechristened as Behind-One-In-The-Midst-Eating-Pig's-Flesh-And-The-Abomination-And-The-Mouse Snels! Mouse Snels for short!
- It transpires that they can take this dude with them if they carry his pulpit out of the old city, which everyone enjoys the idea of! Ghost Snels has joined the party!
- Finally they cook a nice meal to the sound of preaching. It's made of Hellhound, Proto-Halfling and Mushroom, and it's super tasty! Truly superb!
Total: 7000 exp
- Hell hound meat (15 exp)
- Proto-Halfling flesh (13 exp)
- Trinkets worth 120 obols (120 exp)
- Gunk Bomb
- Partial Map
- Haunted Podium of Receive-Unto-Thee-The-Holy-Ghost Snels
Total: 148 exp
- A pack of Hell Hounds (300 exp)
- Another pack of Hell Hounds (300 exp)
- A bunch of Proto-Halflings (400 exp)
Total: 1000 exp
- Carter the Chronicler & Cartographer & Chef (300 exp/level)
- Charles the Expedition Leader (100 exp/level)
- Charles the Expedition Leader (100 exp/level)
- Ollie the Rolly Guy (100 exp/level)
Exp Totals:
- Carter / Nines, Level 6 Inheritor: 57557 (Level up at 72000)
- Kitty / Bulgur, Son of Borgar, Level 6 Barbarian: 48157 (Level up at 64000)
- George / Manrat Snels, Level 6 Ratman: 38806 (Level up at 56000)
- Ollie / Brie van der Hells, Level 6 Necromancer: 37590 (Level up at 72000)
Level Up! +1d4 HP! +1 to Saves! +1 Mana! +Free Spell! +Backstory!
Level Up! +1d4 HP! +1 to Saves! +1 Mana! +Free Spell! +Backstory!
- Charles / Zeppelino, Level 5 Goblin: 30083 (Level up at 32000)
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